IOS application which has the same functionality as uber application
- Technologies used and cocoapods.
- Prerequisites
- Clone
- User Guide For Customers:
- User Guide For Drivers:
- License
- Swift 4.0 and Xcode 9.0 are used to implement this project.
- Fire base is used to host the database and track the requests between drivers and customers.
- Google maps is used to show paths and locations of users.
- GeoFire is used to make query to find the nearest driver to the customer.
- Alamofire and SwiftyJSON are used to take the response of google map as Json respond and deserializing it.
- SVProgressHUD is used to show load ring.
- You Should have MacOS (operation system supported by apple.
- Xcode IDE.
Clone this repo
- Enter your email and password and make sure you make switch button on customer side, then press sign up.
- To sign in just press button sign in and enter your email and password.
- Just press on Order Driver button on the upper right side of screen to get the nearset driver for your location.
- Enter your email and password and make sure you make switch button on driver side, then press sign up.
- To sign in just press button sign in and enter your email and password.
- When driver get an order from customer, red path appears on the map to show him the shortest path from his location to the customer.
- When driver react to the customer, he should press Pick up botton to clear map from the marker and red path.
- When driver reach to the destination of the customer, he should press Drop Down botton to get the cost.