Python scripts to generate GridLAB-D Modeling (.glm) files for power distribution network simulation.
Dependent files:
(1) topology.json
The lines of different areas, e.g. MV area (7.2kV transmission network) and LV areas (120V distribution network). 'a' and 'b' are the two end nodes of the line, 'len' is its length in feet, 'sd' denotes whether it is service drop, 'transformer' specifies its transformer type.
All the transformers that connect areas of different voltage levels (under "tr").
(2) config.json
measure_id: maps node to its meter
fixed_measurement: fixed measurement for transmission level nodes.
area2transformer: maps area to its transformer
area2phase: maps area to its power phase
(3) measurement.csv
The measurement of the meters at different times.