epub-translator is an utility to translate EPub books.
- Utilize DeepL API (You need to register DeepL API plan)
- Leave the original text for reference, and insert the translated text below per paragraph
This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework. If you want to learn more about Quarkus, please visit its website: https://quarkus.io/ .
- JDK 11
The application can be packaged using following command:
./gradlew quarkusBuild -D quarkus.package.type=uber-jar
It produces the epub-translator-runner.jar
file in the build
place application.yml to <epub-translator working directory>/config/application.yml
apiEndpoint: https://api.deepl.com # If you subscribe free API plan, use "https://api-free.deepl.com" instead.
apiKey: <put your api key here>
source: en # default source language
destination: ja # default destination language
java -jar epub-translator-runner.jar --src <path to source epub file> [--dst <path to destination epub file>] \
[--srcLang <source language>] [--dstLang <destination language>]