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Veeam Easy Connect is a Python module that makes it easier to get going with Veeam APIs.
This module provides an easy way to get Authorized, and get the access token so you can get on with making useful requests.
- Added Veeam ONE API support
- Bumped the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 to v6
- Fixed issue with API version update command
Note: I have updated this module so make it more generic over all Veeam Products. This means breaking changes to the way it was shown in the YouTube series.
Password login should work on:
- Veeam API
- Enterprise Manager (basic auth)
- Azure
- O365
AWS and Azure MFA tested and working.
GCP still to be tested but should work.
SSO for AWS is in the module but still being worked on.
O365 Modern App-Only Authentication is intended for Tenant access so is very restricted so is not currently planned.
Authorization code access is not currently road mapped.
Happy to have more people working on this so pull requests are welcome!
Install has now moved to Pypi!
pip install veeam_easy_connect
pip install --upgrade veeam_easy_connect
Import the module via:
from veeam_easy_connect import VeeamEasyConnect
Next you need to create an instance of the object with your username and password.
username = "[email protected]"
password = "super_secret"
vec = VeeamEasyConnect(username, password, True) # secure - checks SSL - bool is optional
vec = VeeamEasyConnect(username, password, False) # insecure - if you are using a Self-Signed Cert (not recommended)
Next call the api type which is either:
- .ent_man - enterprise manager
- .aws
- .azure
- .gcp
- .vbr
- .o365
- .vone
Then chain with the .login() command with the address
address = ""
token = vec.get_access_token()
To create a custom API type (oauth only) do the following.
Create a dictionary with the following parameters, obviously modifying what you need to:
settings = {
"headers": {
"accept": "application/json",
"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"x-api-version": "1.0-rev2"
"url": ":1239/api/token",
"api_version": "v1"
The url is the token endpoint with the port included, and the app version has to be the same one that is used when making a regular http request e.g. v1/2/3
Then call the following function with the settings as the parameter.
You can then carry on like normal.
AWS and Azure currently (GCP soon)
vec = VeeamEasyConnect(username, password)
vec.aws().login(address) # or .azure()
res_code = input("Enter MFA code: ")
vec.mfa_login(res_code) # string, no need to set the api type again
You can send requests directly using vec methods which wrap the Request library and pulls in the correct headers automatically.
This can be useful for single use scripts or when using Jupyter Notebooks.
address = f""
res_data = vec.get(address) -> dict
res_data = vec.post(address, body_data) -> dict
res_data = vec.put(address, body_data) -> dict
All of these methods return a deserialized response.
To save some effort you can specify just the last part of the URL without the version number on APIs that use it for example:
Can be shortened to:
address = "backupInfrastructure/repositories"
res_data = vec.get(address, False)
# or
res_data = vec.get(address, full=False)
You need to pass "False" as the last or named parameter, which stands for "not full url".
You can get the complete header by calling:
req_header = vec.get_request_header()
The request will include the correct API version for the type of API you are using.
To save the headers to a JSON file:
To get just the token you can call one of the following:
token = vec.get_access_token()
token = vec.get_access_token_with_bearer() # adds the "Bearer " to the token (oauth)
This will grab the mfa_token from the oauth response and combine it in the code you enter into the correct body.
To save the access token data to a JSON file use:
To update the port you need to do the following:
print(vec.get_port()) # check the port has changed
# set the API type
# check
Note that you cannot chain the api and port updates, you would need to do:
# set the API type
# Then update the port or visa-versa
Please see examples of using vec in the examples folder.