Swift-TodoNotes is modern notes manager for iOS in Swift.
Hello there, I'm Saumil Shah and in this repository, I'll be posting the code for the database operation using coredata.
I hope you'll learn something new and use these and concepts to achieve great effects and more for your apps.
Step 1: Open Terminal and go to up to project path
Step 2: Type below command in terminal
pod install
Step 3: Open Swift-TodoNotes.xcworkspace
Language: Swift
Database: Coredata and Sqlite
Xcode Version: Xcode 13 and later
Add Notes/Todos/Action plan.
Edit Notes.
Delete Notes.
Save Notes in Local Storage.
Supported with Landscape and Portrait mode.
Supported with iPhone and iPad all newer devices.
Please feel free to create pull request.
Swift-TodoNotes is written in Swift 5 and is open source.