Janaganana(http://countingindia.com/) is a Django application for exploring census and other similar data. It makes it easy to understand a place through the eyes of the data, and to explore data across a range of places. It is most suited for census data but can easily be used with other data that is similarly focused on places in a country.
The Indian instance of Wazimap. Wazimap is a fork of the excellent Censusreporter (https://censusreporter.org) project which was funded by a Knight News Challenge grant (http://www.niemanlab.org/2012/10/knight-funding-expands-ires-journalist-friendly-census-site/). You can also find Censusreporter on GitHub (https://github.com/censusreporter/censusreporter).
- Django Web Framework(1.9)
- memcache(Caching the results for a week).
- supervisor
- fabric
- Deployed on AWS(ubuntu) with RDS(Postgres)
- Pandas- Extensively used to clean and transform the data.All jupyter IPython Notebooks can be found here(https://github.com/mthipparthi/janaganana-data)
- Follwoing instuctions to install Docker - https://docs.docker.com/install/
- Start docker daemon if not running
- docker-compose build
- docker network create ci-net
- docker-compose up
- find ip address of docker machine if http://localhost:8000/ not working (docker-machine ip default) and use that ip -
- Application is up :)
- clone the repo :
git clone https://github.com/mthipparthi/janaganana.git
cd janaganana
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
You will need a Postgres database:
createuser -P factlyin
createdb -O factlyin factlyin
psql -U postgres
grant all privileges on database factlyin to factlyin;
Run migrations to keep Django happy:
python manage.py migrate
Import the data into the new database (will overwrite some tables created by Django, but that's ok).
cat sql/*.sql | psql -U factlyin -W factlyin
Start the server:
python manage.py runserver
Janaganana code is licensed under the MIT License.