This is a proof of concept and not meant for use in its current form.
--host_callsign is the domain of the verifying server
In this example we use which is leveraged in this insecure example to generate a consistent private key.
Note: The private key generated here should never be used in a production environment. This is for demo purposes only.
Its corresponding public key can be found by looking it up
dig TXT
TXT "v=adcrtd k=x25519 h=sha256 p=bBvfZUTPDGIFiOq-WivBoOEYWM5mA1kaEfpDaoYtfHg"
Start the verifying server
go run examples/verifier/example-verifier.go --logtostderr
The signer willl periodically send requests to the verifying server.
--origin-callsign is the domain of the signer.
Like above, we use the domain to generate an inconsistent consistent private key for
--url is the full url that we wish to send a signed request too. This gets signed along with the --body in the request.
In this example we use which is not We can see the link between the two based on the TXT records.
dig TXT
TXT "v=adpf"
dig TXT
TXT "v=adcrtd k=x25519 h=sha256 p=bBvfZUTPDGIFiOq-WivBoOEYWM5mA1kaEfpDaoYtfHg"
Start the signing server in a second shell.
go run examples/signer/example-signer.go --frequency 5s --logtostderr --body '{"sample": "request"}' --url='¶m2=another' --send_requests
The two services will output log to stderr
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