A wrapper of PlotlyJS to plot HEP-style plots quickly with FHist as inputs
using PlotlyJSWrapper
using FHist
# Creating example histograms
h1 = Hist1D(randn(3000),-5:0.5:5)
h2 = Hist1D(randn(1000).+1,-5:0.5:5)
h3 = Hist1D((randn(1000).+2)./2,-5:0.5:5)
h4 = Hist1D((randn(2000).-2).*2,-5:0.5:5)
h5 = Hist1D(randn(2000).*5,-5:0.5:5)
h6 = Hist1D(randn(2000).-0.5,-5:0.5:5)
data = Hist1D(randn(9000),-5:0.5:5)
signal = Hist1D((randn(1000).+10)./3,-5:0.5:5)
# Plotting
# Hists are FHist's Hist1D
# Background histograms
backgrounds=[h1, h2, h3,
h4, h5, h6],
# Data histograms
# Signal histograms
signals=[signal, signal2,
signal3, signal4],
# Options
xaxistitle = "Δϕ<sub>jj</sub> [GeV]",
outputname = "plot.pdf",
backgroundlabels =
"VBS WW"],
signallabels =
# Some extra features
stacksignals = true,
hideratio = false,
showsignalsinratio = true,