Releases: sfregosi/agate
Removed global CONFIG variable
This release primarily removed the use of globals for the CONFIG when initializing agate
. It has not yet been extensively tested. These changes were made on the dev branch so they aren't well outlined in the summary, but can be found in the Full Changelog.
What's Changed
- catch up to main by @sfregosi in #43
- main gitignore updates by @sfregosi in #45
- no longer require manual path setting by @sfregosi in #46
- Lots of updates from dev branch by @sfregosi in #53
- set up pre-allocation for speed improvements. by @sfregosi in #55
- LOTS of updates from dev branch by @sfregosi in #60
- new workflow graphic, new colors by @sfregosi in #61
Full Changelog: v0.1.20240309...v0.9.20240814
Updated PMAR conversion code and documentation
Mostly additional code and documentation for converting raw acoustic files to wav files, for PMAR system. Some scripts and functions are in place for the same for WISPR but that is still being developed.
Autogenerated changes highlight lots of learning about working with branches and pull requests :)
What's Changed
- catch up to main by @sfregosi in #21
- update dev to match main by @sfregosi in #23
- catch up to main by @sfregosi in #27
- SF branch catch up to main by @sfregosi in #31
- catch up to main by @sfregosi in #32
- dev to main by @sfregosi in #34
- Merge pull request #34 from sfregosi/dev by @sfregosi in #35
- Dev wispr fix updates by @sfregosi in #37
- Sf by @sfregosi in #38
- Dev - pmar convert example and documentation done by @sfregosi in #39
Full Changelog: v0.1.20230601...v0.1.20240309
minor improvements
- documentation updates
- example workflow updates
- additional checks for missing CONFIG fields
- new pmar usage plot
Improved WISPR functionality
New functionality to better read in WISPR reports, parse detection information from these reports, and plot up ERMA detections to better visualize detection encounters and assess species.
Minor improvements
- compatibility fixes
- calculate ETA to recovery location
- more informative error printing
- improved messaging when downloading
- info on compatibility in readme and website
bug fixes to first test release
- fixed missing dependencies
- small bug fixes
- added names to plot windows
v0.1.0 First release - test release
After making extensive updates and overhauling much of the configuration work for agate's public release, realized I need to make a stable release for my co-pilots to be able to use mid-mission while I keep working on functionality improvements. This is the first release and so I anticipate bugs that will be dealt with in the next week as co-pilots test it out.
Full Changelog: