Sertxu Developer creates web apps and open source packages mainly in the Laravel ecosystem. We sometimes write tutorials too!
We love Laravel and whether we can contribute to the Laravel ecosystem.
Here are some of our open-source packages:
- laravel-translatable: Adds multilanguage support for your app and translate your Laravel models.
- laravel-media-model: Attach media files to your Laravel models and create media collections.
- livewire-combobox: A searchable combobox for your Livewire forms.
- laravel-lockscreen: Adds a lock screen to your Laravel app to keep your users secured.
- laravel-pagination: An opinionated custom Laravel pagination.
- laravel-counters: Manage counters with year and series in your Laravel app.
We also developed some more, but these are no longer maintained:
- Lyra admin: Adds a customizable administration panel for managing your Laravel app.
- laravel-sitemap: Create a sitemap from your Laravel app.
⭐ We've also built our own lightweight Markdown JS editor!
We have some commercial products that help us continue to maintain our open-source packages:
- Cuelist: Helps you coordinate your team in a live show.
You can help with our open source efforts in many ways: by resolving open issues or just by sharing our packages and products with your friends or colleges.
You can also sponsor our open source work via GitHub Sponsors.