This application provides generating transactions between same account in PROBIT currency exchange market.
Application accepts the following flags:
- Client ID in profile settings page (--client_id)
- Client Secret Key in profile settings page (--client_secret_key)
- Market ID is unique market id. Ex: "HCUT-KRW" (--market_id)
- MinPrice is minimal price bot can sell or buy tokens (--min_price)
- MaxPrice is maximal price bot can sell or buy tokens (--max_price)
- MinQuantity is minimal amount of token bot can sell or buy (--min_quantity)
- MaxQuantity is maximal amount of token bot can sell or buy (--max_quantity)
- Transactions is number of total sell/buy pair transactions (--transactions)
- SellDelay in milliseconds after sell action. Waits for random milliseconds between 0 and delay value (--sell_delay)
- BuyDelay in milliseconds after buy action. Waits for random milliseconds between 0 and delay value (--buy_delay)
probitpot --client_id=client_id --client_secret_key=client_secret_key --market_id=HCUT-KRW --min_price=4.3 --max_price=4.6 --min_quantity=100 --max_quantity=1000 --transactions=10 --sell_delay=100 --buy_delay=500