Patient Document Management
Patient Document Management is a system for managing the Medial Document in a Health Care Domain, It let's Patient control the access of his/her private document and gives the authority to grant access to the requestor which can be a Doctor or Pharmacist, only after accessing the grant Doctor or Pharmacist can view the Patient Medical Documents .
Getting Started Please run below command to get system up and running
bundle install rake db:migrate rake db:seed
Prerequisites You need to have Figaro and Devise gems in your gemfile
Test Data
Below are Test Data that are already in system ,
Patient Records
Name email Documents Password
Patient-2 [email protected] X-Ray-1,MRI,OPD,Blood Test, abcd1234
Pain Presecription,Stomach Presecription,
Dental Presecription,Cold Presecription
Patient-3 [email protected] X-Ray-1,MRI,OPD,Blood Test, abcd1234
Pain Presecription,Stomach Presecription,
Dental Presecription,Cold Presecription
Patient-4 [email protected] X-Ray-1,MRI,OPD,Blood Test, abcd1234
Pain Presecription,Stomach Presecription,
Dental Presecription,Cold Presecription
Patient-5 [email protected] X-Ray-1,MRI,OPD,Blood Test, abcd1234
Pain Presecription,Stomach Presecription,
Dental Presecription,Cold Presecription
Patient-6 [email protected] X-Ray-1,MRI,OPD,Blood Test, abcd1234
Pain Presecription,Stomach Presecription,
Dental Presecription,Cold Presecription
Patient-7 [email protected] X-Ray-1,MRI,OPD,Blood Test, abcd1234
Pain Presecription,Stomach Presecription,
Dental Presecription,Cold Presecription
Patient-9 [email protected] X-Ray-1,MRI,OPD,Blood Test, abcd1234
Pain Presecription,Stomach Presecription,
Dental Presecription,Cold Presecription
Doctor Records
Name email Password
Doctor-1 [email protected] abcd1234
Doctor-2 [email protected] abcd1234
Doctor-3 [email protected] abcd1234
Doctor-4 [email protected] abcd1234
Pharmacist Records
Name email Password Pharmacist-1 [email protected] abcd1234 Pharmacist-2 [email protected] abcd1234 Pharmacist-3 [email protected] abcd1234
End to End Testing
Login/SignUP Testing
Login and Signup is being done using Devise gem with confirmable module enabled
Doctor/Pharmacist Role
The difference in below steps for a Doctor and Pharmacist is that Doctor can request access only for 'Medical Record' and in case of Pharmacist it will be 'Prescription'
Step-1 After completing the signup form , a confirmation mail will be send to the provided emailID. Mail will be from a dummy admin emailID '[email protected]', this can be changed to any admin userName by changing the application.yml and providing GMAIL_USERNAME and PASSWORD ENV variables
Step-2 After signin , list of all the patients in the system will be displayed ,you can select any patient ,after clicking select all the documents of that patient will be displayed, in the list either the status of the document request access will be shown if the role has already requested the document, status could be Pending, Approved or Rejected
Step-3 If the Document has never been requested by the role then a 'Request Access' link will be displayed after clicking on this link , a request will be sent to the patient and status will be changed to 'Pending'
Step-4 After patients approval the status will be changed to 'Approved' and a link 'View Document' will be displayed On 'View Document' link click, a modal will pop up which will show the document details.
A Role can repeat this process for the same or different patient .
Patient Role
Step-1 After completing the signup form , a confirmation mail will be send to the provided emailID. Mail will be from a dummy admin emailID '[email protected]', this can be changed to any admin userName by changing the application.yml and providing GMAIL_USERNAME and PASSWORD ENV variables
Step-2 All the pending requests will be displayed , with requestor details like name,email,and role
Step-3 Patient can either approve or reject the request, after approval or rejection , request will be removed from the list