Minor Feature Release
- Improved TypeScript support
- Partial Updates
Improved TypeScript support
Partial Updates
A new "partial" table parameter controls how nested properties are handled. If set to true and nested schemas are defined for those properties, nested properties will be processed accordingly. At each level of the properties:
- If the property is present at a given level, use it. For find, use a filter expression. For update, create a properly nested update expression for that property.
- If the property is set to null in an update, (and Table.nulls is false), then remove the property alone.
- If property siblings are not present in an update, don't remove them.
The "partial" parameter currently defaults to be false. This ensures backwards compatibility. The warning helps with forwards compatibility should we change the default to true in the future.
See #384 for background.
- #386 Fix handling required property in schema fields
- #372 Fix create() typings
- #376 Aggregate scan count results
Thanks to all who contributed issues and patches. Much appreciated.