CAMMAC : Climate Change Analysis using Multi-Model outputs and CliMAF
This version is tagged AR6_FGD and was used for producing figures for the First Governemental Draft of the 6th IPCC/WGI Assessment Report. It is not the most recent one, and not the best documented one, and is here for reference and reproducibility. Please look in the home repository for a more advanced one.
This document describes a software funded by Météo-France and originally developped by Stéphane Sénési, for helping with analyses and figures based on CMIP6 multi-model results and needed in the context of Météo-France's contribution to IPCC Assessment Report #6 (AR6) WG1 Chapter 8 (that chapter deals with hydrological aspects of Climate Change).
The software design allows to re-use it for multi-model analyses of changes of any climate variable, and potentially any project results set (see :ref:`dependency_on_CMIP6`) ; it has been developped on IPSL's ESPRI platform, and it is fully portable and usable on any machine with CMIP6 data and e.g. conda-enabled environments (see :ref:`requirements`)
The organization of this software is based on :
- CAMMAClib, a library of python (2.7) modules providing shared functions
- notebooks, a series of parameterized IPython notebooks, which can be seen as "main programs" using CAMMAClib; each notebook was inspired by the needs of one of the multi-panel AR6/WG1/Chapter8 figures, but designed to be more generic than these needs. Some of these notebooks are used for producing more than one figure (by changing their run parameters)
- a series of "job scripts", where each script is dedicated to launch a job for actually computing one single AR6 chapter 8 figure (or a Technical Summary figure or panel). These jobs allow for changing notebook parameters
- and two notebooks for handling the selection of the set of CMIP6 dataset versions used by the figure notebooks for the case of AR6 report
In addition, a series of fixed fields representing the land fraction for all models used has been gathered in a specific directory, in order to alleviate for the lack of those fields for some CMIP6 experiments for some models; and, courtesy of B.Decharme, a file describing hydrological basins (ref TBD) is included.