loader.io is a .NET library for use with the loader.io service, a simple and powerful cloud-based load testing platform. Using loader.io, you can quickly, easily, and freely simulate large numbers of connections to your web apps and ensure performance.
First, you'll need to retrieve the library and save it to your local hard drive. The preferred method to accomplish this is to install NuGet and then via any of its many interfaces install the loader.io package.
If you'd prefer to build the library yourself, you can fork or clone it and build it within Visual Studio 2013. Drop the file Loaderio.dll into your application's bin directory and you're just about ready to start load testing.
Use docs.loader.io to get more description of the whole API. Especially, options for CreateTest
are described in appropriate documentation section.
This example shows usage of all API-calls.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Loaderio;
namespace foobar
class Program
static async void CreateApplication()
var client = new LoaderioClient("LOADERIO_API_KEY");
var result = await client.CreateApplication("YOUR_DOMAIN.COM");
if (result.IsSuccess)
Console.WriteLine("AppId: {0}", result.AppId);
static async void CreateTest()
var client = new LoaderioClient("LOADERIO_API_KEY");
var url = new UrlOptions();
url.Url = "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.COM/URL";
var url1 = new UrlOptions { Url = "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.COM/PATH1" };
var url2 = new UrlOptions
Url = "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.COM/PATH2",
RequestType = HttpMethod.POST,
Credentials = new Credentials { Login = "user", Password = "pass" },
Headers = new Dictionary<string, string> {{ "Content-Type", "application/json" }},
RequestParams = new Dictionary<string, string> {{ "q", "test" }}
// or use:
// RawPostBody = "name=John"
// or use:
// PayloadFileUrl = "http://YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/PATH-TO-PAYLOAD-FILE.json"
var options = new TestOptions
// obligatory part
TestType = TestType.NonCycling,
Duration = 60,
Initial = 0,
Total = 100,
Urls = new UrlOptions[] { url1, url2 },
// optional part
Timeout = 60,
ErrorThreshold = 50,
CallbackEmail = "[email protected]",
// if you want to run the test a little bit later:
// ScheduledAt = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10),
Name = "My KillerTest",
Notes = "Run via .Net SDK"
var result = await client.CreateTest(options);
if (result.IsSuccess)
Console.WriteLine("TestId: {0}", result.TestId);
Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}", result.Status);
Console.WriteLine("ResultId: {0}", result.ResultId);
static async void RunTest()
var client = new LoaderioClient("LOADERIO_API_KEY");
var result = await client.RunTest("TEST_ID");
if (result.IsSuccess)
Console.WriteLine("TestId: {0}", result.TestId);
Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}", result.Status);
Console.WriteLine("ResultId: {0}", result.ResultId);