A JavaScript module for efficient text censorship. Replace sensitive words with asterisks in an easy and effective manner.
npm install sprhackz-censorify
// To Install package `npm i sprhackz-censorify`
var censor = require("sprhackz-censorify"); // To Import The Package
console.log("\n PreDefine Censored Words : ");
// Censor a sample text
console.log(`\n ${censor.censor("Some very sad, bad and mad text.")}`);
// Add a custom censored word
console.log("\n To Add a Custom Censored Word :");
// Output the updated list of censored words
// Censor another sample text
console.log(`\n ${censor.censor("A very gloomy day.")} \n`);
- Selvin PaulRaj k - Initial work - SPR Hackz