Module aims to provide easy way to bind multipart forms using MongoDB GridFS feature for storing uploaded files. It does not write any temporary files, piping uploaded parts directly into gridfs instead (using gridfs-stream).
For multipart request parsing it has a busboy-based implementation. Other implementations are welcome.
The module exports:
- BusboyParser - busboy-based parser implementation
- Form - Form binding implementation
For the details, see tests.
// connection is a mongo connection, driver is the mongoose module
Grid = require 'gridfs-stream'
{BusboyParser, Form} = require 'gridfs-form'
grid = new Grid connection.db, driver.mongo
// app is an express instance '/upload', (req, res) ->
form = new Form new BusboyParser(), grid
form.bind req, (err, bind) ->
return res.status(500).send(err) if err