code-drop is a web application made to share code snippets using literate programming. Its original inspiration came from Github's Gists.
Some snippets/Gists can contain too many comments and be overly verbose. While this is good for learning purposes, the code contained in the snippet/Gist can sometimes be hard to read due to the amount of comments surrounding it.
code-drop aims to reduce the verbosity that can sometimes come with snippets and let users focus only on the code. This is done by giving users the ability to "annotate" a snippet. All annotations provided by a snippet author can then be toggled on demand.
The application is deployed on heroku.
NOTE: The application is deployed using Heroku's free tier. If there is no activity for 30 minutes then Heroku's dyno's go to sleep. This means that the application may take 10-15 seconds to load on the first request while the dyno is being woken up.
The snippet below is borrowed from this gist created by Arthur Attwell. The original gist for a shell script looks like:
cd -- "$(dirname "$0")"
# That tells the system to use a Bourne shell interpreter,
# and then tells OSX to run this script from the current directory.
# Don't echo these commands:
set +v
while [ "$repeat" = "" ]
# Clear any preexisting filename variables
# Ask which file we're converting.
echo "Which file? (Don't include the .docx file extension): "
read filename
# Feedback
echo "Running pandoc..."
# Run pandoc
pandoc -f docx -t markdown_mmd "$filename".docx --output="$filename".md --atx-headers --wrap=none --toc --extract-media=""
# Feedback
echo "Done. Ready for another file."
# Let the user easily run that again
echo "Hit enter to convert another file, or any other key and enter to stop. "
read repeat
# Otherwise end
Using code-drop, the outright verbosity of this snippet will be reduced and anybody reading it will have the ability to view comments only for lines/content that they are uncertain of. code-drop supports viewing snippets and their annotations in two views:
- Block view
- Inline view
A quick showcase of the two different views can be found in the gif
This is something that I made for both fun and educational purposes. It is not meant to be used in any serious capacity.