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Go rules for Bazel

Bazel 0.5.4 Bazel HEAD
Build Status Build Status


  • September 13, 2017 Release 0.5.5 is now available. This is a bug fix release on top of 0.5.4 that removes the sha256 from some of our dependencies, since it changed upstream.
  • August 28, 2017 Release 0.5.4 is now available! This will be the last stable tag before requiring Bazel 0.5.4 and toolchains support.
  • August 9, 2017 Release 0.5.3 is now available!



The rules are in the alpha stage of development. They support:

  • libraries
  • binaries
  • tests
  • vendoring
  • cgo
  • cross compilation
  • auto generating BUILD files via gazelle
  • protocol buffers (via extension //proto:go_proto_library.bzl)

They currently do not support (in order of importance):

  • bazel-style auto generating BUILD (where the library name is other than go_default_library)
  • C/C++ interoperation except cgo (swig etc.)
  • coverage
  • test sharding

Note: The latest version of these rules (0.5.5) require Bazel ≥ 0.5.2 to work.

The master branch is only guaranteed to work with the latest version of Bazel.


  • Create a file at the top of your repository named WORKSPACE, and add one of the following snippets, verbatim. This will let Bazel fetch necessary dependencies from this repository and a few others. If you're using the latest stable release you can use the following contents:

        name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
        url = "",
        sha256 = "ca58b0b856dc95473b93f2228ab117913b82a6617fc0deabd107346e3981522a",
    load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_repositories")

    If you're using rules_go at or near the HEAD of master, you can use the following contents (optionally replacing the commit with something newer):

        name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
        remote = "",
        commit = "d8d73c918ed7b59a5584e0cab4f5274d2f91faab",
    load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_rules_dependencies", "go_register_toolchains")

    You can add more external dependencies to this file later (see go_repository below).

  • Add a file named BUILD.bazel or BUILD in the root directory of your project. In general, you need one of these files in every directory with Go code, but you need one in the root directory even if your project doesn't have any Go code there.

  • Decide on a prefix for your project, e.g., This must be a prefix of the import paths for libraries in your project. It should generally be the repository URL. Bazel will use this prefix to convert between import paths and labels in build files.

  • If your project can be built with go build, you can generate your build files using Gazelle. If your project isn't compatible with go build or if you prefer not to use Gazelle, you can write build files by hand.

Generating build files

If your project can be built with go build, you can generate and update your build files automatically using Gazelle, a tool included in this repository. See the Gazelle README for more information.

  • Add the code below to the BUILD.bazel file in your repository's root directory. Replace the prefix string with the prefix you chose for your project earlier.
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "gazelle")

    name = "gazelle",
    prefix = "",
  • If your project uses vendoring, add external = "vendored", below the prefix line.

  • After adding the gazelle rule, run the command below:

bazel run //:gazelle

This will generate a BUILD.bazel file for each Go package in your repository. You can run the same command in the future to update existing build files with new source files, dependencies, and options.

Writing build files by hand

If your project doesn't follow go build conventions or you prefer not to use Gazelle, you can write build files by hand.

  • In each directory that contains Go code, create a file named BUILD.bazel or BUILD (Bazel recognizes both names).

  • Add a load statement at the top of the file for the rules you use.

load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary", "go_library", "go_test")
  • For each library, add a go_library rule like the one below. Source files are listed in srcs. Other packages you import are listed in deps using Bazel labels that refer to other go_library rules. The library's import path should be specified with importpath.
    name = "go_default_library",
    srcs = [
    deps = [
    importpath = "",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
  • For each test, add a go_test rule like either of the ones below. You'll need separate go_test rules for internal and external tests.
# Internal test
    name = "go_default_test",
    srcs = ["foo_test.go"],
    importpath = "",
    library = ":go_default_library",

# External test
    name = "go_default_xtest",
    srcs = ["bar_test.go"],
    deps = [":go_default_library"],
    importpath = "",
  • For each binary, add a go_binary rule like the one below.
    name = "foo",
    srcs = ["main.go"],
    deps = [":go_default_library"],
    importpath = "",
  • For instructions on how to depend on external libraries, see

Build modes

Building static binaries

You can build binaries in static linking mode using

bazel build --output_groups=static //:my_binary

You can depend on static binaries (e.g., for packaging) using filegroup:

    name = "foo",
    srcs = ["foo.go"],

    name = "foo_static",
    srcs = [":foo"],
    output_group = "static",

Using the race detector

You can run tests with the race detector enabled using

bazel test --features=race //...

You can build binaries with the race detector enabled using

bazel build --output_groups=race //...

The difference is necessary because the rules for binaries can produce both race and non-race versions, but tools used during the build should always be built in the non-race configuration. --output_groups is needed to select the configuration of the final binary only. For tests, only one executable can be tested, and --features is needed to select the race configuration.


Can I still use the go tool?

Yes, this setup was deliberately chosen to be compatible with go build. Make sure your project appears in GOPATH, and it should work.

Note that go build won't be aware of dependencies listed in WORKSPACE, so these will be downloaded into GOPATH. You may also need to check in generated files.

What's up with the go_default_library name?

This was used to keep import paths consistent in libraries that can be built with go build before the importpath attribute was available.

In order to compile and link correctly, the Go rules need to be able to translate Bazel labels to Go import paths. Libraries that don't set the importpath attribute explicitly have an implicit dependency on //:go_prefix, a special rule that specifies an import path prefix. The import path is the prefix concatenated with the Bazel package and target name. For example, if your prefix was, and your library was //foo/bar:bar, the Go rules would decide the import path was The stutter at the end is incompatible with go build, so if the label name is go_default_library, the import path is just the prefix concatenated with the package name. So if your library is //foo/bar:go_default_library, the import path is

We are working on deprecating go_prefix and making importpath mandatory (see #721). When this work is complete, the go_default_library name won't be needed. We may decide to stop using this name in the future (see #265).

Repository rules



Adds Go-related external dependencies to the WORKSPACE, including the Go toolchain and standard library. All the other workspace rules and build rules assume that this rule is placed in the WORKSPACE. When nested workspaces arrive this will be redundant.



Installs the Go toolchains. If go_version is specified, it sets the SDK version to use (for example, "1.8.2"). By default, the latest SDK will be used.


go_repository(name, importpath, commit, tag, vcs, remote, urls, strip_prefix, type, sha256, build_file_name, build_file_generation, build_tags)

Fetches a remote repository of a Go project, and generates BUILD.bazel files if they are not already present. In vcs mode, it recognizes importpath redirection.

importpath must always be specified. This is used as the root import path for libraries in the repository.

If the repository should be fetched using a VCS, either commit or tag must be specified. remote and vcs may be specified if they can't be inferred from importpath using the normal go logic.

If the repository should be fetched using source archives, urls and sha256 must be specified. strip_prefix and type may be specified to control how the archives are unpacked.

build_file_name, build_file_generation, and build_tags may be used to control how BUILD.bazel files are generated. By default, Gazelle will generate BUILD.bazel files if they are not already present.

name String, required

A unique name for this external dependency.

importpath String, required

The root import path for libraries in the repository.

commit String, optional

The commit hash to checkout in the repository.
Exactly one of commit or tag must be specified.

tag String, optional

The tag to checkout in the repository.
Exactly one of commit or tag must be specified.

vcs String, optional

The version control system to use for fetching the repository. Useful for disabling importpath redirection if necessary. May be "git", "hg", "svn", or "bzr".

remote String, optional

The URI of the target remote repository, if this cannot be determined from the value of importpath.

urls List of Strings, optional

URLs for one or more source code archives.
See http_archive for more details.

strip_prefix String, optional

The internal path prefix to strip when the archive is extracted.
See http_archive for more details.

type String, optional

The type of the archive, only needed if it cannot be inferred from the file extension.
See http_archive for more details.

sha256 String, optional

The expected SHA-256 hash of the file downloaded.
See http_archive for more details.

build_file_name String, optional

The name to use for the generated build files. Defaults to BUILD.bazel.

build_file_generation String, optional

Used to force build file generation.
"off" means do not generate build files.
"on" means always run gazelle, even if build files are already present
"auto" is the default and runs gazelle only if there is no root build file

build_tags String, optional

The set of tags to pass to gazelle when generating build files.


The rule below fetches a repository with Git. Import path redirection is used to automatically determine the true location of the repository.

load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_repository")

    name = "org_golang_x_tools",
    importpath = "",
    commit = "663269851cdddc898f963782f74ea574bcd5c814",

The rule below fetches a repository archive with HTTP. GitHub provides HTTP archives for all repositories. It's generally faster to fetch these than to checkout a repository with Git, but the strip_prefix part can break if the repository is renamed.

load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_repository")

    name = "org_golang_x_tools",
    importpath = "",
    urls = [""],
    strip_prefix = "tools-663269851cdddc898f963782f74ea574bcd5c814",
    type = "zip",


DEPRECATED Use go_repository instead, which has the same functionality.

Build rules



DEPRECATED Set the importpath attribute on all rules instead of using go_prefix. See #721.

go_prefix declares the common prefix of the import path which is shared by all Go libraries in the repository. A go_prefix rule must be declared in the top-level BUILD file for any repository containing Go rules. This is used by the Bazel rules during compilation to map import paths to dependencies. See the FAQ for more information.

prefix String, required

Global prefix used to fully qualify all Go targets.


go_library(name, srcs, deps, data, importpath, gc_goopts, cgo, cdeps, copts, clinkopts)

go_library builds a Go library from a set of source files that are all part of the same package.

name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

srcs List of labels, required

List of Go .go (at least one) or ASM .s/.S source files used to build the library. If cgo = True, then this list may also contain C sources and headers.

deps List of labels, optional

List of Go libraries this library imports directly.

data List of labels, optional

List of files needed by this rule at runtime.

importpath String, optional

The import path of this library. If unspecified, the library will have an implicit dependency on //:go_prefix, and the import path will be derived from the prefix and the library's label.

gc_goopts List of strings, optional

List of flags to add to the Go compilation command. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.

cgo Boolean, optional, defaults to false

Whether this library contains cgo code. If true, srcs may contain cgo and C source files, cdeps may contain C/C++ libraries, and copts and clinkopts will be passed to the C compiler and linker.

cdeps List of labels, optional

List of libraries that the cgo-generated library depends on. Only valid if cgo = True.

copts List of strings, optional

List of flags to pass to the C compiler when building cgo code. Only valid if cgo = True. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.

clinkopts List of strings, optional

List of flags to pass to the C linker when linking a binary with cgo code. Only valid if cgo = True. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.


    name = "go_default_library",
    srcs = [
    deps = [
    importpath = "",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],


cgo_library(name, srcs, copts, clinkopts, cdeps, deps, data, gc_goopts)

DEPRECATED Use go_library with cgo = True instead.

cgo_library builds a Go library from a set of cgo source files that are part of the same package. This library cannot contain pure Go code (see the note below).

name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

srcs List of labels, required

List of Go, C and C++ files that are processed to build a Go library.

Those Go files must contain import "C". C and C++ files can be anything allowed in srcs attribute of cc_library.

copts List of strings, optional

Add these flags to the C++ compiler

clinkopts List of strings, optional

Add these flags to the C++ linker

cdeps List of labels, optional

List of C/C++ libraries to be linked into the binary target. They must be cc_library rules.

deps List of labels, optional

List of other Go libraries to be linked to this library

data List of labels, optional

List of files needed by this rule at runtime.

gc_goopts List of strings, optional

List of flags to add to the Go compilation command. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.


srcs cannot contain pure-Go files, which do not have import "C". So you need to define another go_library when you build a go package with both cgo-enabled and pure-Go sources.

    name = "cgo_enabled",
    srcs = ["cgo-enabled.go", "", "bar.S", "baz.a"],

    name = "go_default_library",
    srcs = ["pure-go.go"],
    library = ":cgo_enabled",


go_binary(name, srcs, deps, data, importpath, library, cgo, cdeps, copts, clinkopts, linkstamp, x_defs, gc_goopts, gc_linkopts)

go_binary builds an executable from a set of source files, which must all be in the main package. You can run the binary with bazel run, or you can build it with bazel build and run it directly.

name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

srcs List of labels, required

List of Go .go (at least one) or ASM .s/.S source files used to build the binary. If cgo = True, then this list may also contain C sources and headers.

deps List of labels, optional

List of Go libraries this library imports directly.

data List of labels, optional

List of files needed by this rule at runtime.

importpath String, optional

The import path of this binary. If unspecified, the binary will have an implicit dependency on //:go_prefix, and the import path will be derived from the prefix and the binary's label. Binary import paths are used to prepare repositories for export.

library Label, optional

A label of a go_library with the same packge name. When this binary is compiled, the srcs, deps, and data from this library will be included.

cgo Boolean, optional, defaults to false

Whether this binary contains cgo code. If true, srcs may contain cgo and C source files, cdeps may contain C/C++ libraries, and copts and clinkopts will be passed to the C compiler and linker.

cdeps List of labels, optional

List of libraries that the cgo-generated library depends on. Only valid if cgo = True.

copts List of strings, optional

List of flags to pass to the C compiler when building cgo code. Only valid if cgo = True. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.

clinkopts List of strings, optional

List of flags to pass to the C linker when linking a binary with cgo code. Only valid if cgo = True. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.

linkstamp String; optional; default is ""

The name of a package containing global variables set by the linker as part of a link stamp. This may be used to embed version information in the generated binary. The -X flags will be of the form -X linkstamp.KEY=VALUE. The keys and values are read from bazel-bin/volatile-status.txt and bazel-bin/stable-status.txt. If you build with --workspace_status_command=./, the output of will be written to these files. Bazel tools/buildstamp/get_workspace_status is a good template which prints Git workspace status.

x_defs Dict of strings; optional

Additional -X flags to pass to the linker. Keys and values in this dict are passed as -X key=value. This can be used to set static information that doesn't change in each build.

If the value is surrounded by curly brackets (e.g. {VAR}), then the value of the corresponding workspace status variable will be used instead. Valid workspace status variables include BUILD_USER, BUILD_EMBED_LABEL, and custom variables provided through a --workspace_status_command as described in linkstamp.

gc_goopts List of strings, optional

List of flags to add to the Go compilation command. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.

gc_linkopts List of strings, optional

List of flags to add to the Go link command. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.


go_test(name, srcs, deps, data, importpath, library,
    cgo, cdeps, copts, clinkopts,
    linkstamp, x_defs, gc_goopts, gc_linkopts, rundir)

go_test builds a set of tests that can be run with bazel test. This can contain sources for internal tests or external tests, but not both (see example below).

To run all tests in the workspace, and print output on failure (the equivalent of "go test ./..." from go_prefix in a GOPATH tree), run

bazel test --test_output=errors //...

You can run specific tests by passing the --test_filter=pattern argument to Bazel. You can pass arguments to tests by passing --test_arg=arg arguments to Bazel.

name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

srcs List of labels, required

List of Go .go (at least one) or ASM .s/.S source files used to build the test

deps List of labels, optional

List of other Go libraries to linked to this test target

data List of labels, optional

List of files needed by this rule at runtime.

importpath String, optional

The import path of this test. If unspecified, the test will have an implicit dependency on //:go_prefix, and the import path will be derived from the prefix and the test's label. Test import paths are used to prepare repositories for export.

library Label, optional

A label of a go_library with the same packge name. When this test is compiled, the srcs, deps, and data from this library will be included. This is useful for creating internal tests which are compiled together with the package being tested.

cgo Boolean, optional, defaults to false

Whether this test contains cgo code. If true, srcs may contain cgo and C source files, cdeps may contain C/C++ libraries, and copts and clinkopts will be passed to the C compiler and linker.

cdeps List of labels, optional

List of libraries that the cgo-generated library depends on. Only valid if cgo = True.

copts List of strings, optional

List of flags to pass to the C compiler when building cgo code. Only valid if cgo = True. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.

clinkopts List of strings, optional

List of flags to pass to the C linker when linking a test with cgo code. Only valid if cgo = True. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.

linkstamp String; optional; default is ""

The name of a package containing global variables set by the linker as part of a link stamp. This may be used to embed version information in the generated test. The -X flags will be of the form -X linkstamp.KEY=VALUE. The keys and values are read from bazel-bin/volatile-status.txt and bazel-bin/stable-status.txt. If you build with --workspace_status_command=./, the output of will be written to these files. Bazel tools/buildstamp/get_workspace_status is a good template which prints Git workspace status.

x_defs Dict of strings; optional

Additional -X flags to pass to the linker. Keys and values in this dict are passed as -X key=value. This can be used to set static information that doesn't change in each build.

If the value is surrounded by curly brackets (e.g. {VAR}), then the value of the corresponding workspace status variable will be used instead. Valid workspace status variables include BUILD_USER, BUILD_EMBED_LABEL, and custom variables provided through a --workspace_status_command as described in linkstamp.

gc_goopts List of strings, optional

List of flags to add to the Go compilation command. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.

gc_linkopts List of strings, optional

List of flags to add to the Go link command. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.

rundir String, optional

Path to the directory the test should run in. This should be relative to the root of the repository the test is defined in. By default, the test will run in the directory of the BUILD file that defines it. Use "." to run the test at the repository root.


To write an internal test, reference the library being tested with the library attribute instead of the deps attribute. This will compile the test sources into the same package as the library sources.

    name = "go_default_library",
    srcs = ["lib.go"],

    name = "go_default_test",
    srcs = ["lib_test.go"],
    library = ":go_default_library",

To write an external test, reference the library being tested with the deps attribute.

    name = "go_default_library",
    srcs = ["lib.go"],

    name = "go_default_xtest",
    srcs = ["lib_x_test.go"],
    deps = [":go_default_library"],


go_proto_library(name, srcs, deps, has_services)
name Name, required

A unique name for the underlying go_library rule. (usually `go_default_library`)

srcs List of labels, required

List of Protocol Buffer .proto source files used to generate .go sources for a go_library

deps List of labels, optional

List of other go_proto_library(s) to depend on. Note: this also works if the label is a go_library, and there is a filegroup {name}+"_protos" (which is used for golang protobuf)

has_services integer, optional, defaults to 0

If 1, will generate with plugins=grpc and add the required dependencies.

ignore_go_package_option integer, optional, defaults to 0

If 1, will ignore the go_package option in the srcs proto files. Note: this will not work if the go_package options are specified in more than one line.


go_embed_data(name, src, srcs, out, package, var, flatten, string)
name Name, required

A unique name for the go_embed_data rule.

src Label, optional

A single file to embed. This cannot be used at the same time as srcs. The generated file will have a variable of type []byte or string with the contents of this file.

srcs List of labels, optional

A list of files to embed. This cannot be used at the same time as src. The generated file will have a variable of type map[string][]byte or map[string]string with the contents of each file. The map keys are relative paths the files from the repository root. Keys for files in external repositories will be prefixed with "external/repo/" where "repo" is the name of the external repository.

out String, required

Name of the .go file to generated. This may be referenced by other rules, such as go_library.

package String, optional, defaults to directory base name

Go package name for the generated .go file. This defaults to the name of the directory containing the go_embed_data rule. This attribute is required in the repository root directory though.

var String, optional, defaults to "Data"

Name of the variable that will contain the embedded data.

flatten Boolean, optional, defaults to false

If true and srcs is used, map keys are file base names instead of relative paths.

string Boolean, optional, defaults to false

If true, the embedded data will be stored as string instead of []byte.


The foo_data rule below will generate a file named foo_data.go, which can be included in a library. Gazelle will find and add these files automatically.

load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_embed_data", "go_library")

    name = "foo_data",
    src = "foo.txt",
    out = "foo_data.go",
    package = "foo",
    string = True,
    var = "Data",

    name = "go_default_library",
    srcs = ["foo_data.go"],

The generated file will look like this:

// Generated by go_embed_data for //:foo_data. DO NOT EDIT.

package foo

var Data = "Contents of foo.txt"


Go rules for Bazel







No packages published


  • Go 66.8%
  • Python 29.5%
  • Shell 2.5%
  • C 0.6%
  • C++ 0.3%
  • Protocol Buffer 0.2%
  • Assembly 0.1%