33-)SignalR Restaurant Project (.Net Core Api-MVC)
This project encompasses a basic CRUDoperations application, coupled with real-time updating of frontend pages using SignalR .
32-)Turkis Number To Integer Converter API (.Net Core)
This API replaces numbers written in various conditions and formats with their numerical equivalents.
31-)LawFirmTemplate (.Net Core )
The aim is to develop a project based on the promotion of law and law firms using .Net Core MVC. It includes dynamic features fields .
30-)MicroService-CourseApp (.Net Core)
It is a microservice project for purchasing courses and other related transactions .
29-)ElasticSearch based API (.Net Core)
The implementation of making requests to Elasticsearch via Nest library on .NET Core has been completed.
28-)RabbitMQ Watermark App and Excel App (.Net Core)
In this project, communication was practiced using RabbitMQ with BackgroundService for WatermarkApp and WorkerService for ExcelApp.
27-)WebLinkSearcher (Console App)
This console app read a page and search for links on the web
26-)Identity MVC Membership App (.Net Core MVC)
This is a sample application that demonstrates how to use the .Net Core Identity Membership system
25-)Entity Framework Core 6 (.Net Core)
This repository contains the code samples and exercises for learning Entity Framework Core
24-)Onboarding Library (React)
This project includes the processes done with the trainee team during the internship
23-)Spring-Hoaxify API (Spring)
Hoaxify is a basic social media app . Post,Put,Get methods with ResponseEntity and Error handling . Attempted to comply with API standards
22-)Hoaxify-Frontend (React)
Hoaxify is a basic social media app . This repo for frontend
21-)Undo Dots Canvas App (React)
when you click on the screen , it will create a dot and you can undo it by pressing the undo button (History Management)
20-)Basic QuestApp API (Spring)
Basic spring Api for learning Spring Boot
20-)Autocomplete Search (React)
Simple react auto search complete project ,data get dynamicly from backend and db
19-)FireBase Authentication (React)
In this project just try to do firebase auth in react app
18-)N Layer API (.Net Core API)
Basic design on products and categories with 3 layers
17-)Spotify Clone (React)
React Spotify Clone with Tailwind
16-)CodeBooks Blog Website (Asp.net Core 5.0)
This project was hastily done by me in a short period . CRUD operations , EF , Authentication , CKeditor are used . Ready template modified for frontend
15-)Weather App (React)
Weather app with fetch API and Hooks
14-)Onboarding Tour (React)
Onboarding Tour Card is take dynamically steps , reposition card and show title and text
13-)Notes-App (Node.js)
Note application running on console using Node.js
12-)Restfull API (PHP-Laravel API) GO to Project
11-)Image List App ( REACT - TAILWIND)
A project that aims to take and display the pictures that come with an api request. .
API image request
,controlled and uncontrolled forms
vecommunication between components
10-) Blog Project with layered ( .NET Core 5.0) GO to Project
9-) Shopping Project ( e-ticaret ) ( PHP) GO to Project
8 -) CV Website Project( .NET MVC5 ) GO to Project
7-)N Layer API Project ( .NET Core API ) GO to Project
6-) This project includes how we do image uploading and use path name ( .NET Core MVC ) GO to Project
5-) This project includes use of text editor (ckeditor) ( .NET Core MVC) GO to Project
4-) Market project with categories and foods ( .NET Core MVC) GO to Project
3-)This project was developed in conjunction with a company automation series . ( .NET Core MVC ) GO to Project
2-) This is my firs asp.net core testing project (.NET Core MVC ) GO to Project
1-)This project is my first web project . I coding this using just css and html
GO to Project