A small library to measure the duration and interval of execution, including averaging.
Measures time between start()
, end()
to provide duration, and between start()
and the subsequent start()
to provide interval, both with built-in window-averaging.
Simple usage:
import { DurationIntervalClock } from 'duration-interval-clock';
// defaults to average over 10 last measurements
const dic = new DurationIntervalClock();
// perform some task
// number of milliseconds taken by the task
// average, after one measurement will be equal to lastDuration
// both will be undefined, start() needs to be called at least twice
dic.lastInterval, dic.averageInterval
import { DurationIntervalClock } from 'duration-interval-clock';
// average over last 5 measurements
const dic = new DurationIntervalClock(5);
for(let i = 0; i <= 20; i++) {
const ret = await dic.measureAsync(async () => {
// some async task
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100 + i * 10));
return "ret value";
new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 50));
if(i % 5 === 0) {
console.log("\nIteration", i)
console.log(" lastDuration:", dic.lastDuration);
console.log(" averageDuration:", dic.averageDuration);
console.log(" lastInterval:", dic.lastInterval);
console.log(" averageInterval:", dic.averageInterval);
class DurationIntervalClock {
sampleTargetCount: number;
durationsSamples: number[];
intervalSamples: number[];
constructor(sampleTargetCount?: number = 10);
reset(): void;
cancel(ignoreIfNotStarted?: boolean = false): void; // cancel last start()
start(endIfAlreadyStarted?: boolean = false): void;
// itemsProcessed may be a positive number which will divide measured duration
end(ignoreIfNotStarted?: boolean = false, itemsProcessed?: number): void;
measureAsync<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
measureSync<T>(fn: () => T): T;
checkHasGoodAverage(q?: number = 0.5): boolean;
get isStarted(): boolean;
get lastDuration(): number | undefined;
get lastInterval(): number | undefined;
get averageDuration(): number | undefined;
get averageInterval(): number | undefined;
Last interval measures start()-to-start(), last duration measures subsequent start()-to-end().
It means duration of the previous measurement must have been shorter than the duration of the current measurement.