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Releases: sebaslogen/resaca

2.4.2 - Support Compose compiler 1.4.6 and Compose BOM 2023.04.01

23 Apr 10:04
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Changelist of library updates

  • Compose compiler 1.4.6
  • Compose BOM 2023.04.01

2.4.1 - Hotfix min SDK back to API 21

21 Apr 17:49
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Fix min SDK back to API 21

2.4.0 - Add support for Koin DI of ViewModels with SavedStateHandle

21 Apr 10:59
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  • Add resaca-koin library to support Koin DI of ViewModels with SavedStateHandle
  • Add examples of Koin injection of ViewModels and objects
  • Add documentation

See the new

2.3.5 - Support AGP 8, Compose compiler 1.4.5 and Compose BOM 2023.04.00

18 Apr 06:01
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Changelist of library updates

  • Update to Java version 17
  • Gradle plugin 8.0.0
  • Compose compiler 1.4.5
  • Compose BOM 2023.04.00
  • Kotlin 1.8.20
  • Activity Compose 1.7.0

2.3.4 - Support Compose compiler 1.4.4 and Compose BOM 2023.03.00

22 Mar 19:31
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Changelist of library updates

  • Compose compiler 1.4.4
  • Compose BOM 2023.03.00
  • Kotlin 1.8.10
  • Dagger 2.45
  • androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel 2.6.1
  • Gradle plugin 7.4.2

2.3.3 - Support Compose compiler 1.4.0 with Kotlin 1.8.0 and Compose BOM 2023.01.00

27 Jan 11:59
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  • Update Compose compiler to 1.4.0
  • Update Kotlin to 1.8.0
  • Update Compose BOM to 2023.01.00

2.3.2 - Update Compose dependencies

13 Dec 16:25
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  • Update Compose dependencies to BOM 2022.12.00

2.3.1 - Update Dagger, Kotlin and Compose dependencies

05 Nov 21:48
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  • Update Compose dependencies to BOM 2022.10.00
  • Update Compose Compiler dependency to 1.3.2
  • Update Kotlin to 1.7.20
  • Update Dagger to 2.44

2.3.0 - Add Assisted Injection with default arguments in Hilt ViewModels

19 Sep 14:15
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2.2.1 - Hotfix for SavedStateHandle across multiple VMs of the same type

01 Aug 09:38
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  • Update Compose dependency to 1.2.0
  • Update Android target SDK to 32
  • Update Hilt and other dependencies
  • Add a unique key to fix support of SavedStateHandle across multiple VMs of the same type