Releases: sebaslogen/resaca
Releases · sebaslogen/resaca
- Add maven central publish @sebaslogen (#45)
🧰 Maintenance
- Bump koin from 3.5.0 to 3.5.3 @dependabot (#43)
- Bump hilt from 2.49 to 2.50 @dependabot (#41)
- Bump from 1.9.21-1.0.15 to 1.9.21-1.0.16 @dependabot (#40)
- Bump org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kover from 0.7.4 to 0.7.5 @dependabot (#39)
3.1.0 - New feature: use a list of keys to scope objects to a larger scope than where they are used
New features
- Use a list of keys to scope objects to a larger scope than where they are used. For more info see PR #37 and docs:
- General
- Hilt
- Koin
- The main use case is to scope all object/ViewModels for items in a Lazy-List to the scope of the whole list, instead of when they're shown/gone from the visible window.
Changelist of library updates
- Compose BOM to 2023.10.01
- Compose compiler 1.5.4
- AGP 8.1.4
- Kotlin 1.9.20
- Kover to 0.7.4
- Robolectric to 4.11.1
- Hilt to 1.1.0
3.0.0 - Replace disposal delay with Handler post mechanism to detect Activity resume
- Old 5 seconds delay on disposal has been replaced with Handler post mechanism that detects Activity resume. No more hardcoded delays, just posts to the Android queue and a timeout to detect resume completed. PR #32
- Added more Robolectric-unit tests
- Added Espresso tests for Activity recreation
Changelist of library updates
- Compose BOM to 2023.10.00
- Compose navigation to 2.7.4
- Hilt to 2.48.1
- Android Gradle Plugin to 8.1.2
2.4.9 - Update Compose BOM to 2023.09.00 and Koin
Changelist of library updates
- Compose BOM to 2023.09.00
- Koin to 3.5.0
- Core-ktx to 1.12.0
- Androidx-lifecycle to 2.6.2
2.4.8 - Update Compose compiler to 1.5.3 + Kotlin 1.9.10
Changelist of library updates
- Compose compiler 1.5.3
- Kotlin 1.9.10
- Dagger to 2.48
2.4.7 - Update Compose compiler to 1.5.1 + BOM 2023.08 & target SDK 34
Changelist of library updates
- Compose compiler 1.5.1
- Compose BOM 2023.08.00
- Android target SDK 34
- Android Gradle plugin 8.1.1
- Jetpack Navigation 2.7.0
- Koin to 3.4.3
- Coroutines to 1.7.3
2.4.6 - Update Compose compiler to 1.5.0 + Kotlin to 1.9.0
Changelist of library updates
- Compose compiler 1.5.0
- Kotlin 1.9.0
- Hilt 2.47
- Android Gradle plugin 8.1.0
2.4.5 - Bugfix #22 + Update Compose + Coroutines + Kotlin + Koin
Changelist of library updates
- Compose compiler 1.4.8
- Compose BOM 2023.06.01
- Coroutines 1.7.2
- Kotlin 1.8.22
- Koin 3.4.2
- Navigation 2.6.0
Changelist of other updates/fixes
- Fix ViewModelProvider key for #22: hiltViewModelScoped returns new viewModel with old bundle argument on key change
- CI build improvements: API compatibility check + Code coverage
2.4.4 - Update to Compose BOM 2023.05.01 + Coroutines 1.7.1
Changelist of library updates
- Compose BOM 2023.05.01
- Coroutines 1.7.1
- Dagger 2.46.1
- Core-ktx 1.10.1
- AGP 8.0.2
Changelist of other updates/fixes
- Improve library APIs visibility
- CI build improvements: API compatibility check + Code coverage + Lint checks
2.4.3 - Support Compose compiler 1.4.7 and Compose BOM 2023.05.00 + Kotlin 1.8.21
Changelist of library updates
- Compose compiler 1.4.7
- Compose BOM 2023.05.00
- Kotlin 1.8.21
- Dagger/Hilt 2.46