A set of scripts to reconfigure a bit Q4OS Trinity to fit my needs. (theming, performances, laptop configuration,'defaults' & extra applications selected by me, and tools to customize some parts of the themes & some tools/tuning scripts).
This was designed for Q4OS Aquarius 64bits/32bits and Raspberry version (Please note some options/apps can be a little bit differents depending on architecture). I don't think it will work 'as is' on another distribution using Trinity, but you can try :p (and better, if you want to fork the project and made it compatible with trinity on other distribs, you're welcome and I can help you to adapt the scripts if needed).
- Note if you use the "qperf" script that classic desktop usage is targeted , so don't even try it on a server type machine, as it could disable some essentials services/logs that you need for this purpose. But it's perfectly fine for a 'standard user' (and more) usage.
Here are the main parts:
This is a script that will modify your Q4OS Trinity installation to make it a bit like Windows 10. Not the real thing of course, I had to 'adapt' some things because I doesn't know how to mimic some parts with TDE Trinity, but it's the closest I can do now. I did it in the first place because I wanted to 'recycle' old computers at my work who weren't... let's say windows 10 capables :p And don't even think of windows 11...
So, this is my attempt to have the wonderfull responsivness of Q4OS Trinity and the widely appreciated windows 10 look & feel (kind of, but it's really close I think) for customers who used to work with windows before.
You can choose between a 'light' theme and a 'dark' one.
You can specify an 'accent' color to the base theme (light/dark) which is taskbar, menu and windows decoration color. Selected objects and other color parts will then be derived from this accent color.
It's somekind of a full 'theme pack' with icons, pointers, windows decorations, widgets style, color schemes, sounds (notably usb connect/disconnect sounds; and pre-login sound 'ala windows11' or osx), taskbar & tdemenu setup, konqueror & dolphin & some other apps profiles and theming accordingly, boot splash, login screen, gtk theme, ui behaviors, actions center (like window10 notifications center), grub theme, etc... all with GTK2/GTK3 styles homogenized.
I try to keep all differents parts of the theme as lightweight as possible as it is intended for old computers in the first place like I said :) And I want to keep it in line with the trinity de / Q4os philosophy, so it will not 'bloat' your computer with useless things.
**New : OSX theme (beta for now), try it !
This one is designed to try to improve performances of your system. If you have a very recent computer, you maybe don't need it. But testing on differents systems shows that even modern computers can gain some benefits from it. You can install a new optimized kernel (choice between xanmod & liquorix), optional of course. It will disable some services not really needed for classic desktop usage, disable javascript in libre office (if installed),tune compton-tde conf, removes ufw & some fonts, do some sysctl tweaks, disable core dump, setup temp directories as tmps, disabling some logging, install zram, trim initramfs size and finally some cleaning.
I tested it a lot, but if something horrible happens, you can restore the backup created in the folder backup/ , by simply launching the restore script.
This will adjust some things in the system to adapt it better to a laptop usage. First it will uninstall TDEPowersave. I had a lots of problems with it (crash on some very old laptops) and I prefer to use TLP. It will install xfce4-power-manager (please note I adapted the iconset for it, there was a naming problem with the battery icons with all the iconsets I tried). It enables two fingers scrolling & disable pad middle click (something which annoy me a lot on large pads). It will remove powertop and install TLP (with the optionnal option to install the TLP graphical interface for easier tuning of the settings). It will then configures xfce4-power-manager & logind.conf to handle suspend on lid switch action.
You will have the option to create a swap file for hibernation, and it will then configure the settings to allow suspend-then-hibernate function.
Designed to install a set of apps I consider usefull for the usage I have. This reflect only my choices, so you maybe don't need it.
Some apps are installed from official debian repos, some from .deb files included in q4osXpack apps/ folder or downloaded from my other repositories (packages I builded myself because they weren't in debian repos); and some others are from repos that will be added to your apt sources (of course they are trustables).
-Default apps (most of them are recommended for the win10/osx themes):
GIT, 7zip, Dolphin, Ark, system-config-printer, flashfetch, bleachbit, vlc, Strawberry, some console tools, Gwenview, Kolourpaint, KCharSelect, Ksnapshot, Knotes, Kcron, lxtask-mod, kdirstat, kpdf.
-Extra apps:
qBittorent, Guvcview, Spotify, spotify-qt, spotify-tui, ncspot, spotify-player, spotifyd, Deezer, musikcube, SMPlayer/MPV, media-downloder, DownOnSpot, Pinta, Microsoft Edge Browser, Web app manager, Free Office, OnlyOffice, Peazip, Qtscrcpy, Gparted, Stacer, S4 Snapshot, Remmina, Rustdesk, Bpytop, Bottom, Virtualbox 7, Kdiskmark, Angry IP scanner, Filezilla, Rclone, Rclone browser, WineHQ, Kweather applet.
- Note: some apps are not available for 32bits/Raspberry installations.
This is a set of tools to customize the theme you previously installed with qtheme script.
A set of usefull system tools for tuning/cleaning your installation.
Some windows apps I'm using sometimes, with no adequate linux equivalent for me (please note the "FOR ME"; I know there are some kind of linux alternatives for all of these programs. But ! Sometimes I need, for example, MS Office to open a particular document, not compatible with linux alternatives, or Photoshop, because I can't get used to Gimp, and I'm a very very long time user of photoshop... Once again, these are personnal choices, you can just ignore them if it's useless for you.)
¤¤ Please note that these scripts were initially designed for my own usage, and only for Q4OS, never thought of sharing them at the first place, but I thought it may be of interest for some other people... Be aware that they reflects my choices, so maybe not yours. Please take a look a the sources of the scripts before trying them, you're welcome to modify or improve them for you :) ¤¤¤
¤¤ Nearly everything was coded on an old laptop, a celeron N3060 with 4gb of non upgradable ram, so it's a good system to see what impacts or not performances. It's nearly unusable on windows 10, even with considerable tweaking, but works very good with Q4os, even without tweaking by the way :) So thanks again to the Q4OS team for this gem :) ¤¤
One last note: This is a "work in progress", especially the system tools part. It's ready for usage (I work with this themes & perfs optimisations on my laptop and desktop computers every day :p ) but I'm still improving it (tuning some icons or some other ui parts/behaviors, correcting some bugs :p ...), so don't hesitate to always retrieve the last version :)
--> Simply run dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us -tc to compile .deb and .qsi package (thanks Q4OSTEAM !)
Or clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/seb3773/q4osXpack
Then go to the new folder: cd q4osXpack
Make the menu script executables: sudo chmod +x qxpack
And then launch the main menu: ./qxpack
Some screenshots (very outdated, new ones coming soon): Dark theme
Login screen (sorry for the bad quality)
Scripts menus: