My lame attempt at building a groupmebot
Current usage:
- Local
- Create a file '' with two variables: bot_id and group (see for a template). Set these to the group number of your bot and the bot id as a string, as is done in the template.
- Heroku
- Be sure to create a config variable called 'BOT_ID' and set it to your bot's key
Run as Django app, so can be run with Heroku?DoneFirst, create Django app that can send messagesDoneThen, integrate with HerokuDoneAdd ability to repeat last messageDone- Add ability to call someone out for liking their own message
- Add ability to fetch stock information (
- Add ability to fetch weather, other informational services
- Add ability to report group analytics (most liked, most kicked, etc.)
- Add ability to post a random gif from Giphy (similar to Slack?)
- Parrotbot - Repeats whatever someone said
- Hellobot - If someone says 'hello' anywere in their message, Hellobot will reply with 'Hello !'