To play Camels Against Humanity: (all commands should be run in directory containing Makefile)
Player 1: run make host, run ./Host.native with the following optional flags
=== flags ===
[-bd string] Filename containing black deck representation. Default BlackDeck.json.
[-hs int] Number of Cards a player starts with in their hands. Default 5.
[-mp int] Max points a player reaches to win. Default 7.
[-np int] Number of players in this game. Default 3.
[-p int] Source port to listen on. Default 8080.
[-wd string] Filename containing white deck representation. Default WhiteDeck.json.
[-build-info] print info about this build and exit
[-version] print the version of this build and exit
[-help] print this help text and exit
For example, to play with 5 players run:
./Host.native -np 5
All other players: run make play, type in the (IP address:port) of the host, and your name to connect
Requires cohttp and async