Toolkit for executing Apex Code from Apex Email Services.
- batch job chaining / async execution
- support for parameters incl. complex data types through JSON serialization
- trigger Apex Code from any application with no need for Webservice Integration by just sending an email to SFDC
- simple API (check usage)
- Register an Apex Email Service using the E2A_InboundEmailHandler class
- In Custom Settings create E2A_CONFIG__c Org Default
- Implement E2A.Executable or E2A.ExecuteableWithParams contracts in the classes you want to run (Check out E2A_SampleBatch1 and E2A_SampleBatch2 for more details)
CAUTION:: Be careful when using custom data types as parameter objects, deserializing classes using (DATA_TYPE)JSON.deserialize((String)paramsObj, DATA_TYPE.class); causes an 'System.JSONException: Don't know the type of the Apex object to deserialize' error in production like EMEA (as of Winter '12)
// sendE2AMessage
// Sends an E2A ready message with Attachments
// - class_name.e2b (Contains className)
// - param_class.json.e2a (Contains JSON serialized paramsObj if doSerialze is true)
// to the E2A Apex Email Service you have setted up
// @throws OutboundEmailException
String className // Name of the Apex class to execute
, Object paramsObj // Object holding parameters used by the executed class
, Boolean doSerialze // True serializes the paramsObj to JSON
, Boolean checkResult // True to throw an Exception if result is negativ
, String emailBody // Plain Text Body to set
// Execute a Database.Batchable class called 'IBaseImport_Batch'
E2A.sendE2Message('IBaseImport_Batch',false,'Completed IBaseImport_Setup, start IBaseImport_Batch');
E2A accepts class names contained in the Email Subject as well, just sent an email to the Email Inbound Service with the plain class name in the subject