This Project compares the different machine learning models on Walmart Weekly Sales Data and predicts the weekly sales for the test data.
This Project has 4 phases:-
- PreProcessing Phase:- PreProcessing Phase includes Data Cleaning, Scaling the data, and Splitting the data into Test and train.
- Learning Phase:- In the Learning phase, I used Random Forest Model, Extreme Gradient Boosting, Gradient Boosting, and Elastic Net Regression to fit the data into the model and tune the hyperparameters until we get the optimal performance.
- Evaluation Phase:- In the Evaluation Phase, I compared the performance of all the models on parameters like Coefficient of Regression, Mean Absolute Error, and Root mean square error.
- Prediction Phase:- In the Prediction Phase, I chose the best model and used that to predict the Weekly Sales for the test data.
Applications:- Jupyter Notebook Programming language:- Python Libraries used:- pandas, matplotlib, numpy, sklearn, xgboost, seaborn, prettytable OS:- Windows You can download the .ipynb File Attached and run it in jupyter notebook or Google Colab