- BetterDiscord, Vencord, and OpenAsar users can grab the macCord.theme.css file and either
- Place the file in the BetterDiscord or Vencord themes folder
- Copy the text in the file, and paste it in OpenAsar's quick CSS text field
Information on enabling translucency
Check out this issue if you use Windows. Mica for Everyone is known to play decently, but be very spotty.
This theme supports translucency.
- Go to Settings > Vencord, then toggle "Enable Translucent Window".
- If you're using Suncord scroll down and set "Window vibrancy style" to "HUD"
- You can adjust the opacity and colors by pasting & messing with these varriables
.theme-dark {
--background-tertiary: #2f31364b;
.theme-light {
--background-tertiary: #ffffff1d;
Changing the accent color
See here.