This project uses OpenCV and PyGame to create a fun, interactive game.
This game works by using facial recognition to find the player's mouth. The player must then use their mouth to collect cookies in the game.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
The following libraries must be installed on your computer for this game to work:
To install these libraries do the following:
pip install pygame
And repeat
pip install opencv-python
Run the program by going to the folder and using the following command
A window should open with an avatar and cookies falling from the screen. When you move your face the avatar should move too. If you run into issues with the avatar not following your face make sure:
- You have no face coverings like a hat or doctor's mask
- Your camera is on or you have a camera connected to your computer
- You are looking straight at the camera
- Anya Jensen - Olin College of Engineering - AnyaCakes
- Rocky Gulassa - Babson College - RockyGulassa