Here we introduce the pipeline for gamete binning, a method based on single-cell sequencing of gamete genomes to achieve chromosome-level and haplotype-resolved genome assembly of a heterozygous species. This is to support the analysis in Campoy_and_Sun_et_al_2020.
Note 1: zlib.h is required by some tools (for the purpose of zipping files), please install accordingly.
Note 2: a few publicly available tools are needed,
- bcftools
- blast
- bowtie2
- Canu v1.7
- cellranger-dna
- findGSE
- Flye 2.6-g6f887ae
- jellyfish 2.2.10
- purge_haplotigs
- pbalign
- pilon
- samtools
- SHOREmap
- ...
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