- models.py defines all the object types that the database stores
- urls.py has all the urls the django webapp responds to
- can place an integer instead of
to look at specific items in the database
- can place an integer instead of
- views.py is all the python logic for storing data in the database, serving it, etc.
- views.py utilizes all the html in the templates folder to display information to and interact with the user
has the javascript that runs the task logic
- forms.py creates form templates for the views to use
- I'd recommend creating a virtual environment to handle all the requirements
python3 manage.py runserver
- needs a lot of requirements but python should figure out what is needed to run it
- some requirements are in requirements.txt and requirements3.txt but a lot of those are probably unneeded
- needs a lot of requirements but python should figure out what is needed to run it
- now the server should be running on local host and serving it's urls
- in order to load the database schemas migration is needed
python3 manage.py makemigrations project
python3 manage.py migrate
- the homepage ( on local host) is a login page for the user
- to generate users got to /massusers and enter the amount of users to create
- of this number 1/2 will be tested on females, 1/2 males, 1/2 ascending pictures, 1/2 descending pictures
- go to /viewallusersforadmin to get the login info on these users so participants can log in
- once a user is logged in they can go to /task to start their 3 tasks, however first we need to upload pictures to the database
- to upload pictures use the uploadFiles.py script
- open the script and enter the file path on the computer to the MorpphingSequences
- for example ..../MorphingSequences
- inside MorphingSequences there should be folders of the naming convention AF_203 for example where the 2nd letter denotes sex of the subject
- in a production scenario one must also change the url
- you can go to /image/1 to see if images were uploaded correctly, and just change the number 1 to for example 100 to see the 100th image in the database
- each image should belong to it's correct folder
- now that the images are uploaded a user can go to /task and complete a task
- once they complete 3 tasks they are done
- go to /alltasks to get the results of all the tasks in csv format :)
- the database is running the django sqlite3 database so you would probably delete project.sqlite3
- make sure to change the secret in settings.py
- the consent page has wrong text and doesn't redirect to the task for the user