Rozklad(means schedule in Ukrainian) is persistent Postgresql based task-queue with delayed execution. Core capabilities:
- schedule task to be executed in the future
- executor that is reading from DB and executing all scheduled tasks (supports multi-node deployment, concurrency is handled by Postgresql)
resolvers += "jitpack" at ""
libraryDependencies += "com.github.yarhrn" % "rozklad" % "{take version from badge above}"
To schedule a task instance of TaskScheduler[F[_]]
is required.
To obtain instance of TaskScheduler[F[_]]
you can provide doobie.Transactor[F[_]]
to the new DoobieTaskScheduler[F[_]](tx)
Then you can schedule a task by calling TaskScheduler.schedule
- task identifier, e.g. rozkald.api.Id.randomtriggerAt
: Instant - point in time after which task should be executedscheduledAt
: Instant - point in time when task is scheduled, e.g. Instant.nowpayload
: JsValue - some task specific data
To support different workflows starting from 1.0.0 added capability to "reschedule" tasks.
Rescheduling is done via TaskScheduler.schedule
Rescheduling will occur in case there is scheduled task with the same id and status of task is one of Created
, Failed
, Successful
or Rescheduled
To introspect history of task use ScheduledTaskService.logs
. During rescheduling it is possible to update task's trigger at time and payload.
There are two ways how scheduled tasks can be executed.
Low-level approach gives you full control on acquiring and committing task result. ScheduledTaskService[F[_]]
) allows you to:
- atomically and concurrently-safe acquire some number of tasksdone
- mark task as successfulfailed
- mark task as failed
To obtain instance of ScheduledTaskService[F[_]]
you can provide doobie.Transactor[F[_]]
to the DoobieScheduledTaskService[F[_]]
ScheduledTask.status(enum) lifecycle diagram
flowchart TD
initial --> created
created --> acquired
acquired --> successful
acquired --> failed
created --> rescheduled
failed --> rescheduled
successful --> rescheduled
rescheduled --> rescheduled
rescheduled --> acquired
High-level approach is done via rozklad.api.ExecutorService.start
that accepts
- client provided way of how ScheduledTask
should be executed.
It is implemented as never ending fiber that constantly trying to acquire and execute tasks.
Also, there is method rozklad.api.ExecutorService.stop
for graceful shutdown.
This library is tested with Postgresql and rely on Postgresql features like select for update
and skip locked
Library requires proper Postgresql scheme setup:
create table scheduled_tasks
id char(36) primary key not null ,
scheduled_at timestamp with time zone not null ,
trigger_at timestamp with time zone not null ,
status smallint not null ,
updated_at timestamp with time zone not null ,
failed_reason smallint ,
payload jsonb not null
create table scheduled_tasks_change_log(
id char(36) primary key not null ,
task_id char(36) not null ,
status smallint not null ,
created_at timestamp with time zone not null ,
failed_reason smallint ,
payload jsonb not null ,
trigger_at timestamp with time zone not null
create index scheduled_tasks_status_trigger_at_index
on scheduled_tasks (status, trigger_at);
from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
drop index if exists scheduled_tasks_change_log;
create index scheduled_tasks_status_trigger_at_index
on scheduled_tasks (status, trigger_at);
from 0.14 to 1.0.0
alter table scheduled_tasks_change_log
add column trigger_at timestamp with time zone default null;