A demo project that reproduces an issue where nested classes in Kotlin Multiplatform library cannot be used in Swift when accessed through another Kotlin Multiplatform library.
: Shared library (could be used for both a backend and mobile apps)mobile
: Mobile library (could be used for shared view models/netowrking/etc). Usescommon
.- An iOS app, located in
. UsesFooBarShared
, which is generated frommobile
- Clone repo
- Run
./gradlew :mobile:packForXcode
to initialize the framework - Open
and build the project
: example of a nested classes that cannot be used in Swiftcommon/src/commonMain/kotlin/foo/bar/test/common/Fizz.kt
: Kotlin classes in thecommon
: Kotlin class that usescommon
classes and its own example classesmobile/build.gradle.kts
: Grandle setup formobile
The following is taken from the header and cannot be used/accessed in Swift in any way:
@interface FooSharedCommonFizzHello : FooSharedBase
- (instancetype)initWithMyName:(NSString *)myName __attribute__((swift_name("init(myName:)"))) __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer));
- (NSString *)component1 __attribute__((swift_name("component1()")));
- (FooSharedCommonFizzHello *)doCopyMyName:(NSString *)myName __attribute__((swift_name("doCopy(myName:)")));
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id _Nullable)other __attribute__((swift_name("isEqual(_:)")));
- (NSUInteger)hash __attribute__((swift_name("hash()")));
- (NSString *)description __attribute__((swift_name("description()")));
@property (readonly) NSString *myName __attribute__((swift_name("myName")));
In the generated header, a Imported declaration 'FooSharedCommonFizzHello' could not be mapped to 'CommonFizz.Hello'
warning is generated on the swift_name
The following is the interface for the Api
class that uses this type:
@interface FooSharedApi : FooSharedBase
- (instancetype)init __attribute__((swift_name("init()"))) __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer));
+ (instancetype)new __attribute__((availability(swift, unavailable, message="use object initializers instead")));
- (void)argFromOtherModuleHey:(FooSharedCommonHey *)hey __attribute__((swift_name("argFromOtherModule(hey:)")));
- (void)nestedArgFromOtherModuleHello:(FooSharedCommonFizzHello *)hello __attribute__((swift_name("nestedArgFromOtherModule(hello:)")));
- (void)nestedArgFromThisModuleNest:(FooSharedNestNested *)nest __attribute__((swift_name("nestedArgFromThisModule(nest:)")));
- (void)noArgFunction __attribute__((swift_name("noArgFunction()")));
is not visible in Swift, while the other functions work as expeted.