Learn to balance baby.
Rename this repo. Candidates:
- Talos
- IRL (Inference for RL)
- Run on more environments: Cartpole, Mountaincar
- Tensor shapes on all methods
- Define documentation layout
- Docstrings - Sphinx
- Doctest?
- Remove all hacky stuff, like hard coded tensors
- Clean up pendulum.py: learning-dynamics, objective, optimisation, plotting.
- Batching in calls of our agents, policies and costs. Start with policies.
- Migrate to gpflow.
- Feasible/Initialisation space - this needs more specification, included it so we don't forget.
- Pendulum notebook
- Moment matching
- I have no clue how profiling works, let's research into how we should go about it
- EQAgent
- EQCost
- Transforms
- EQPolicy and TransformedPolicy
- Util (cholesky update)
- Deepmind Control suite
- OpenAI gym
- Cartpole
- Mountaincar
- Double pendulum
- Lunar lander
- Cartpole swing
- Lego mindstorms
- Ask robotics faculty
- Non-greedy exploration (see the DL-algo)
- Efficient Learning of Dynamics with an information based criterion (IRL)
- Posterior Sampling for RL
- Deep PILCO
- Embed to control
- PlaNet