Java Builder Pattern plugin for Intellij IDEA with two types of builder :
- classic builder
- fluent builder with interfaces
Available on Jetbrains repository:
Open File > Settings > Plugins. The easy way to find it is by searching java fluent builder pattern
and to install Java Builder pattern:
Create a class with members, in this example :
public class Employee {
private String socialSecurityNumber; // required
private String firstName; // required
private String lastName; // required
private LocalDate birthday; // optional
private int salary; // optional
Set your cursor inside the class where you want to generate the builder code, then right click and open 'Generate' menu :
Click on Builder menu, this will open a dialog box. You have choice to generate two types of builder :
First, select which class members you want to include in constructor builder. You can also override parameter methods by using prefix. Then select members you want to include and click on OK button, this will generate the builder code. You can now build your class like this :
Employee johnDoe = Employee.builder("123")
.withBirthday(LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 1))
Same steps as classic builder except you can now select mandatory/optional parameters. You can only select constructor parameters for mandatory parameters. You can build your class like this (as classic builder) :
Employee johnDoe = Employee.builder("123")
.withBirthday(LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 1))
But using auto completion, Intellij will provide you next valid parameter.
Next mandatory parameter:
Next optional parameter(s):