This is a project to showcase HTML and CSS alongwith all the material we have learnt after project number 1. So, the Ajax, JSON method alongwith how to successfully use API requests. At first I was very confused as to what all these functions did but slowly I have been able to understand that Ajax is a way that is usually used for forms and fetching data, where you are still able to interate with the page. So, it allows you to echange data between the browser and the server without reloading the page. It is a way for the client-side browser to communicate with the server. I also learnt that the JSON function is a way of representing an object/something in text. One function I struggled to understand was the Slice method. Eventhough in class we went over many examples I was not able to wrap my head around what it did and the purpose of the function. But now I understand that Slice is a method that returns the selected elements in an array, as a new object. So, it selects the elements starting at the given start argument and ends at the given argument. Another function I now finally understand is Array's and Strings. Eventhough I completed Project number 1, and have been attending class regulary. Whenever I was told to look at the array or put something in a string. I struggled to understand what it was I was being told to do. Now I understand that a string is a series of objects, all of which are the same size and type and a string is a datatype used in programming, such as an intergar and floating point unit. It is used to represent text rather then numbers. It will still probably take me a few seconds to figure out what an array or string is in the near future but now I can think back and remember whereas before I would have to turn to google or our slides. I also learnt what SASS was but I still struggle to apply is coorectly in Project 2, since I was more worried about getting my JS working correctly. But one thing I will never forget is that SASS is used for media quires and that you do not nest more then two variables in it. Last but not least, the simplest thing I fail to use is git commit. Before I did not understand how to fully use it and I was also scared I would delete everything off my computer by mistake. I fail to use it as I work on my project but going forward I will be more mindful of that since I have left notes on my desktop to remind me. Overall I feel like I am learning a lot by doing and seeing, but I also feel like I am not learning fast enough.
#Languages and skills Leanred and used: HTML CSS Responsive Web Development Flexbox Git jQuery JavaScript Mobile first approach Ajax JSON API SASS CSS propprocessors