Performing sentiment analysis on Data using Inception Model. Fasttext is used for Word vectorization.
The code is a part of Test I participated in during an Interview Process. It is built around a recent paper on the topic of NLP. The paper: BB twtr at SemEval-2017 Task 4:
Here in -
- First part is -- Pre-processing of Data to remove unnecessary charactres and repetative words (Temed as Stemming & Lemmatization)
- Next, Trimming and padding of each sentence to MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH
- Splitting of Dataset in Training, Validation and Testing part
- Converted Words to Vectors using Fastext Embeddings. --> Fasttext is better as it divides the word in smaller parts (called n-grams), and then generate the model as per those n-grams. This help in cases of those words which are rarely used, OR are not present in training set. As the probabilty of n-grams repeating in vocab increases as compared to that rare word.
====== Building the Model ============
Using CNN - CNN is applied using different filter sizes 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 as per Paper. Passing thorugh Dropout layers of 50% Contatenating results of above and passing through a Fully Connected Layer
Using LSTM - Birectional LSTM is applied with dropout 50% and passed through Dense Layer.