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Natural Language Processing Fundamentals


  1. Fundamental Concepts
  2. Topic Detection
  3. Sentiment Analysis
  4. Tagging
  5. Word Networks
  6. Correction & Prediction
  7. Stemming
  8. Vectorization
  9. Chatbots
  10. Speech

Tools and libraries

For each library that requires installation, the parenthesis indicates the sessions that employ the package.

a. PythonCreate a new Colab in Python

  • gutenbergpy (S01)
  • nltk (S01)
  • wordcloud (S01)
  • matplotlib (S01)
  • numpy (S01)
  • pandas (S01)
  • speechrecognition(S10)
  • pyaudio (S10)
  • pyttsx3 (S10)
  • scipy (S10)
  • ffmpeg-python (S10)

b. RCreate a new Colab in R

  • gutenbergr (S01)
  • tidytext (S01)
  • ggplot2 (S01)
  • quanteda (S01)
  • quanteda.textplot (S01)
  • tm (S02)
  • reshape (S02)
  • reshape2 (S02)
  • topicmodels (S02)
  • wordcloud (S02)
  • RColorBrewer (S02)
  • textdata (S03)
  • reshape2 (S03)
  • igraph (S04)
  • stopwords (S08)
  • plot.matrix (S08)
  • proxy (S08)
  • word2vec (S08)
  • plot3D (S08)
  • NbClust (S08)
  • factoextra (S08)

You can either run things on an online environment like Google Colab or install both of these open-source tools on your own computer. Note that some installable packages come pre-installed for the Colab Python environment (like pandas and numpy) but need to be installed with pip if you set up your own environment.


R Python
Text Mining with R NLP with Python

Additionally to the above books available through the library, we use the freely available online versions of the following textbooks:

Data sets


The contents of each assignment is detailed on myCourses and also as a single file on Overleaf for easier access so you can prepare your responses offline.


Session 1: Fundamental Concepts

  • token = a meaningful unit (of text)
  • tokenization = the process of extracting tokens from text
  • string = a data representation for a sequence of characters
  • metadata = tags or other type of data associated to a string or a token describing its origin, meaning, or some other characteristic thereof
  • corpus = a collection of textual data that contains strings, possibly with associated metadata
  • stopword = a word the presence of which is deemed meaningless in a given context
  • term-document matrix = a matrix in which each row represents a document and each column represents a term, with the cells indicating the frequency of occurrence of each term in each document

Session 2: Topic Detection

  • tf-idf = term-frequency versus inverse-document-frequency matrix that assigns higher weight for terms that are not frequent across all of the documents; the idf is the natural logarithm of the fraction of total number of documents divided by the number of documents that contain a term
  • LDA = Latent Dirichlet Allocation, a topic-modeling algorithm: represent a document as a mixture of topics and a topic as a mixture of words

Session 3: Sentiment Analysis

  • lexicon = a set of words, a vocabulary
  • unigram = a unit of language that is a single word

Session 4: Tagging

  • part of speech (POS) = lexical category = word class = the "grammar classes" of words such as nouns, adverbs, verbs, adjectives, etc.
  • bigram = a two-word sequence
  • n-gram = a sequence of n words

Session 5: Word Networks

  • WordNet = a graph-format thesaurus of relationships between English words
  • hyponym = a more specific synonym of a word
  • hypernum = a more general synonym of a word
  • meronym = component of a concept
  • holonym = container of a concept
  • antonym = the counterpart of a word (the contrary version: vertical/horizontal, positive/negative)

Session 6: Correction & Prediction

  • edit distance = the total cost of alterations that need to be made on a string to convert it into another one

Session 7: Stemming

  • stemming = removal of affixes (suffixes, mostly; sometimes prefixes) to cut down all variants of a word to their "common core"
  • normalization = a process of regularizing text in some way, such as making all of it lowercase
  • lemmatization = taking each (conjugated, plural, capitalized, ...) word into the form in which it would appear in a dictionary

Session 8: Vectorization

  • cosine similarity = the dot product of two numerical vectors divided by the product of their norms
  • PMI = pointwise mutual information, a measure to quantify how often do two words appear together than what one would expect if they were ordered at random
  • lemma = the "dictionary form" of a word
  • wordform = the specific variant of a word, such as the conjugated form, that may not be a lemma as such
  • polysemous = having more than one meaning
  • (word) embedding = a vectorization of a text that attempts to capture semantics based on word context, such as word2vec
  • skipgram window = a token subsequence of a determined length
  • skipgram probability = the probability (relative frequency) of two tokens appearing together in a skipgram window

Session 9: Chatbots

  • reflection = a word pair in which one serves as a response to the other in the sense that if the point of view of the speaker is reversed, the substitution maintains consistency ("this is my dog", "your dog is cute")
  • rule-based chatbot = one that picks a response to an incoming message based on a set of rules, often expressed in terms of regular expressions
  • self-learning chatbot = one that uses machine learning to determine responses
  • bag of words = representing a part of text (sentence, document, etc.) as the set of words it contains (or a binary representation thereof)

Session 10: Speech

  • text to speech = have the computer read out loud a text given as input
  • speech to text = have the computer create a string from a recording (live or file) of spoken language

Other NLP Courses at McGIll


Natural Language Processing Fundamentals







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