An L7 load balancer for EVM-based blockchain nodes that provides better reliability and proper data consistency.
Whether you're running your own nodes or using a managed provider, node RPCs often go down or fall behind. Naive load balancing between nodes doesn't account for data consistency issues.
node-gateway makes it easier to run reliable and accurate node infrastructure for dApp developers, traders, and stakers.
- Run your own nodes instead of paying for node providers. For very high availability, fall back on node providers in case your own nodes are unavailable. In our benchmarks, a single on-demand im4gn.4xlarge AWS EC2 machine that costs ~$1050 can serve over 1000 requests / second. This is > 10x cheaper than the well known node providers.
- Use a primary node provider and fall back on another node provider for even higher availability. The well known node providers tout 99.9% uptime (~9 hours of downtime a year) but often have degraded performance even if they're "up".
git clone
cd node-gateway
cp configs/config.sample.yml config.yml
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 9090:9090 \
-v $PWD/config.yml:/satsuma/config.yml \
-e ENV=production \
curl --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}' http://localhost:8080
See the sample config.
- Round-robin load balancing for EVM-based JSON RPCs.
- Health checks for block height and peer count.
- Automated routing to nodes at max block height for data consistency.
- Node groups with priority levels (e.g. primary/fallback).
- Multichain support.
- Intelligent routing to archive/full nodes based on type of JSON RPC request (state vs nonstate).
- Method based routing.
- Support for self-hosted nodes and node providers with basic authentication.
- Prometheus metrics.
- And much more!
- Better support for managed node providers (e.g. rate limits/throttling).
- Automatic retry / fallback.
- Caching.
- WebSockets.
- Additional data consistency measures (broadcasting to multiple nodes, uncled blocks, etc).
- Additional routing strategies (intelligent routing to archive/full nodes based on recency of data requested, etc).
- Filter support (
, andeth_newPendingTransactionFilter
Interested in a specific feature? Join our Telegram group chat to let us know.
By default, Prometheus metrics are exposed on port 9090. See metrics.go for more details.
- Install Go 1.22.
- Install dependencies:
go mod download
. - Run
go run cmd/gateway/main.go
Generate mocks by first installing mockery, then running:
go generate ./...
This command will generate mocks for interfaces/types annotated with go:generate mockery ...
and place them in the mocks
If you get a command not found
error, make sure ~/go/bin
is in your PATH
Run tests with:
go build -v ./...
go test -v ./...
Running all tests that match regexp TestHealthCheckManager
go test -v -run TestHealthCheckManager ./...
Running all tests in a specific package that match regexp TestHealthCheckManager
go test -v -run 'Test_RemoveFilters*'
Running a specific test:
go test -v -run Test_RemoveFilters_RemoveNone
To measure test code coverage, install the following tool and run the above go test
command with the -cover
go get
You can generate HTML coverage report and open it in your browser by running:
go test -v -coverprofile=cover.out ./... && go tool cover -html=cover.out
This project relies on golangci-lint for linting. You can set up an integration with your code editor to run lint checks locally.
All commit messages should follow the conventional commit format.
For convenience of local development, there's a commit-msg Git hook that you can use:
ln -s $PWD/scripts/git_hooks/* .git/hooks
This repo is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details.
Copyright © Riser Data, Inc.