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Releases: satr/intellij-idea-plugin-connector-for-aws-lambda

Fixed an issue with maven artifact path and not closed file.

10 Oct 04:21
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Fixed an issue with maven artifact path and not closed file.

The pre-release 1.7* is not published as I faced periodical hanging of the IDEA. I'm not sure if the plugin can cause a problem.
For reference

Fixed issues with profiles

30 Sep 15:25
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Fixed an issue with not loading functions when default profile does not exist.
Handled invalid profiles settings.
Extended logging messages.

Basic support for uploading Node.js function

04 Aug 09:25
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Added basic support for uploading Node.js function with zip-archived artifact.

  • Install Node.js, verify npm is also available
  • Install NodeJS plugin to the IntelliJ IDEA: start the IntelliJ IDEA, open Preferences, navigate to the Plugins tab, hit the "Browse repositories..." button, search and select NodeJS, hit "Install" button and then "Restart IDEA" to apply changes.
  • On you disk - create a folder for a project for the Node.js AWS Lambda function, navigate to this folder
  • run commands to install aws-sdk modules and create empty file "index.js" within "src" folder
npm install aws-sdk
mkdir src
touch src/index.js

(in Windows instead of "touch": echo "" > src/index.js )

  • In IntelliJ IDEA open the project, selecting the folder, created above
  • In the index file copy paste the code:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    callback(null, "some success message with a name " +;
    // or
    // callback("some error type");
  • Open the Project Structure, select Artifacts section on the left

  • Hit the "+" button to add a new artifact, choose a type "Other"

  • Specify a name of the artifact, optionally - tick the checkbox "Include in the project build"

  • In the "Output Layout" tab - hit the icon "Create Archive" (a second one next to the icon "Folder with +")

  • In the dialog - enter the archive name, with an extension ".zip", hit "Ok"

  • Right click on the added archive-name, in the menu - select "Create Directory", enter "node_modules", hit "Ok"

  • Right click on the added directory name, in the menu - select "Add Copy of", select "Directory Content", choose the folder "node_modules" in the project's folder, hit "Open"

  • Similar way - add a reference to the folder "src" in the project's folder

  • Right click on the archive-name, in the menu - select "Add Copy of", select "File", choose a file "package-lock.json" in the project's folder, hit "Open"

  • Rebuld the project and an artifact (if not build automatically). Check if the artifact contains the file in the "out" folder of the project

  • Refresh the "Artifacts" list in the "Connector for AWS Lambda" plugin tab, select the artifact and a function (with NodeJS runtime), where it should be uploaded

  • In the "Handler" field - enter "src/index.handler", where "src" is a project's folder "src" (if used), "index" - the name of the js-file, where the function is located, "handler" - a name of JavaScript funtion (in this example it is second part of "exports.handler")

  • Hit the button "Upload function" in the plugin form

  • Test the function - open the "Run Test" tab, hit the button "Run test of the function"



Fix with buttons layout and AWS streams order and sets

22 Jul 20:12
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Fixed button layout for the version IDEA 2018.2.RC
The list of AWS streams has been ordered by event time, descendant.
Added a button to load next list of AWS stream set (split by 50 items).

UI improvements, clear/delete/re-format content, sorted lists

14 Jul 05:59
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  • Save and restore selected jar artifact per function - implemented by DragoX.
  • Fix last selected function restore after relaunch - implemented by DragoX.
  • Sorted alphabetically function and JAR-artifact lists.
  • Function configuration details form can be collapsed or expanded.
  • Reformat JSON content for input and output. Output can be auto-formatted on function invocation.
  • Deleting of AWS log streams for a selected function.
  • Clear content for input and output.
  • Set constraints to function properties and code file size. Added links to these values on AWS documentation site.

UI improvements, clear/delete/re-format content

01 Apr 20:05
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Function configuration details form can be collapsed or expanded.
Reformat JSON content for input and output. Output can be auto-formatted on function invocation.
Deleting of AWS log streams for a selected function.
Clear content for input and output.

connector1 6rc2-1

connector1 6rc2-2

Configuration and AWS Log for a selected function. Support of Maven project artifacts.

13 Mar 19:14
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AWS Log for a selected function.
Maven project artifacts supported.
Artifact list is automatically refreshed after a project or artifact build.
Show and update selected function configuration (roles loaded only when about to edit).
Known issue: roles need to be filtered as allowed for AWS Lambda.



Configuration and AWS Log for a selected function. Support of Maven project artifacts.

09 Mar 17:35
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AWS Log for a selected function.
Maven project artifacts supported.
Artifact list is automatically refreshed after a project or artifact build.
Show and update selected function configuration.



Maven project artifacts supported

09 Mar 14:00
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Maven project artifacts supported - build an artifact with a Maven project and hit the button "Refresh list of JAR artifacts".


Artifact list is automatically refreshed after a project or artifact build.

07 Mar 15:41
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Artifact list is automatically refreshed after a project or artifact build.
Show and update selected function configuration.