This chat application uses Satori RTM and covers the following topics:
- Connecting to Satori RTM
- Subscribing to a channel
- Processing subscription data (messages)
- Publishing to a channel
- Handling network errors
After Android Studio project has been successfully imported and Gradle build has synced, you should do the following steps:
- Click Run (or Debug) button in the toolbar. This brings up Select Deployment Target window.
- If you connected a physical Android device or added a virtual one (emulator), choose it from the list. Otherwise, you can install a new virtual device from the Select Deployment Target window. Click Create New Virtual Device and follow the steps in the wizard. For more information, see the Google AVD instructions.
Android Studio installs the app on the device and starts it.
Note: This tutorial application uses the standard Android Studio setup. However, you may experience difficulties with Android development and Gradle. If you have any problems, check out the Android Studio User Guide.