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Review Assignment Due Date

Project Overview

In this project, we integrate the MQTT dataset from Kaggle into a PostgreSQL table, perform initial analysis and preprocessing using PySpark, and build machine learning models using PySpark and TensorFlow. The models include different classifiers and regressors, which are tuned, and the best model is selected. The final step involves running the models on Google Cloud Compute and creating a comprehensive report on the results.

About the Dataset

The MQTT dataset is related to a smart home environment where sensors retrieve information about temperature, light, humidity, CO-Gas, motion, smoke, door, and fan at different time intervals.

Dataset Columns

To better understand our dataset, we decided on constraints and description for each of the columns. In order to perform data engineering methods, we believe providing these details was an essential step towards smart and resourceful data engineering.

Column Constraints and Type Description
tcp_flags Not nullable, hex TCP flags
tcp_time_delta Not nullable Time difference between two TCP packets
tcp_len Not nullable, int Length of TCP packets
mqtt_conack_flags Nullable="0", hex MQTT Flags
mqtt_conack_flags_reserved Not nullable, double Reserved MQTT Flag
mqtt_conack_flags_sp not nullable, double Another MQTT Flag
mqtt_conack_val double, 0-158 Indicates the result of the connection attempt between a client and a broker
mqtt_conflag_cleansess not nullable MQTT clean flag
mqtt_conflag_passwd not nullable MQTT password presence
mqtt_conflag_qos not nullable Quality of service level
mqtt_conflag_reserved not nullable Resevered Flag
mqtt_conflag_retain not nullable Whether message should be reserved
mqtt_conflag_uname not nullable Username present or not
mqtt_conflag_willflag not nullable Last will message flag
mqtt_conflags nullable="0", hex Indicates whether the client requests a clean session or a persistent session with the broker.
mqtt_dupflag not nullable, binary Indicates that a message is a duplicate and has been resent because the intended recipient did not acknowldge it
mqtt_hdrflags nullable="0", hex The first byte of the fixed header in the MQTT packet
mqtt_kalive double Kepp-alive interval used for MQTT connections
mqtt_len not nullable, int Length of MQTT packets
mqtt_msg not nullable, double MQTT messages
mqtt_msgid not nullable MQTT message ID
mqtt_msgtype not nullable, int 0-14 Type of MQTT message
mqtt_proto_len not nullable, double Length related to MQTT protocol
mqtt_protoname nullable="0", "MQTT" Name of MQTT protocol
mqtt_qos not nullable, double Quality of service for MQTT
mqtt_retain not nullable, double Retain flag for MQTT
mqtt_sub_qos not nullable, double Quality of Service level for MQTT subscription
mqtt_suback_qos not nullable, double Quality of Service level in MQTT subscription acknowledgments
mqtt_ver not nullable, double MQTT protocol version
mqtt_willmsg not nullable, double The "last will" message in MQTT
mqtt_willmsg_len not nullable, double Length of the MQTT "last will" message
mqtt_willtopic not nullable, double MQTT "last will" topic
mqtt_willtopic_len not nullable, double Length of the MQTT "last will" topic
target legitimate/dos/malformed/slowite/bruteforce/Flooding, not nullable, string Attack or not, if attack then what kind
train (column introduced by us) int, not nullable Test (0) or Train (1) dataset

About the Models

PySpark ML

  1. Linear Regression:

    • Hyperparameters:
      • regParam: Influences how well or poorly the regressor fits to the curve
      • maxIter: controls how long each model would train for before stopping, the quicker we stop the less likely we are to overfitting
    • Testing Accuracy after Hyperparameter tuning: 83.11%
  2. Random Forest Decision Tree:

    • Hyperparameters:
      • maxDepth: How deep any given tree would go; greater max depth would take longer to train, but would be increase accuracy
      • numTrees: How many trees make up the maxdepth, more tress results in more randsomness, in turn the model will be less liekly to overfit
    • Testing Accuracy after Hyperparameter tuning: 86.76%


  1. Deep Neural Network:

    • Architecture: 4 hidden layers, 128 neurons each
    • Activation: RReLU (to have a little randomness), Loss: Cross Entropy, Optimizer: Adam
    • Learning Rate: 0.005, Decay Rate: 0.995
    • Testing Accuracy: 83.21%
  2. Shallow Neural Network:

    • Architecture: 2 hidden layers, 8 neurons each
    • Activation: ReLU, Loss: Cross Entropy, Optimizer: Adam
    • Learning Rate: 0.05 (No decay)
    • Testing Accuracy: 83.31%

Code Walkthrough Video URL

The following video contains a clear and concise walkthrough of our code from Task 1 through Task4, alongwith the extra credit. In this code walk through, we showed Task 1 and 2 run locally on our machine, however Task 3 and 4 were run on the cloud.

Screen recroding for Task 1 and 2 on cloud

Essentials to run the code:

  1. Please make sure that the correct path to the .csv files is given in order to import the data correctly
  2. Please make sure all the necessary libraries have been downloaded before hand
  3. The .jars file for Postgres should be placed in the JARS folder.
  4. Since we ran the extra credit part using our credentials, you will not be able to run the postgresql unless you use your credentials.


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