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Learn how to setup the SAS ESP monitoring stack to query, visualize, alert on, and explore metrics for ESP projects.


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Monitoring SAS Event Stream Processing on Kubernetes

A guide for monitoring SAS Event Stream Processing resources.

Table of Contents



The current monitoring solution for the SAS Viya platform provides system administrators with a powerful tool to monitor deployments as a whole. Resource oversight, coupled with the ability to aggregate log information and generate alerts, makes it easier to administer deployments regardless of their complexity. This is helpful at a high level, within the SAS Viya platform, but smaller ecosystems like SAS Event Stream Processing require a more specialized approach to both real time and historical monitoring of projects.

SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes was developed to help customers address this need. SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes can be deployed when SAS Event Stream Processing is deployed with the SAS Viya platform or when standalone SAS Event Stream Processing is deployed. SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes can be considered as an extended version of SAS Viya Monitoring for Kubernetes, as it shares the same code base and allows for the deployment of the same components in addition to those specific to SAS Event Stream Processing. The main difference is that SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes does not require the deployment of the logging layer of the SAS Viya platform, as it instead uses Loki for log aggregation.

A Grafana Lab product, Loki is a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus, designed to be cost-effective and easy to operate. Compared to other log aggregation systems, Loki has the following benefits:

  • Loki does not index the contents of the logs, but accesses log streams through a set of predefined or user-defined labels.
  • Loki indexes and groups log streams using the same labels as Prometheus, enabling users to seamlessly switch between metrics and logs.
  • Loki is an especially good fit for storing Kubernetes logs. Metadata labels are automatically scraped and indexed.
  • Loki has native support in Grafana, which means that Prometheus and Loki panels can coexist on the same dashboards.

A Loki-based system consists of 3 components:

  • Promtail, the agent responsible for gathering logs and sending them to Loki.
  • The Loki server, responsible for storing logs and processing queries.
  • Grafana, for querying and displaying the logs.

SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes gives system administrators metrics to accurately measure CPU usage and memory consumption. Real-time and historical log information is also made available at the individual project level to help debug any issues a project might encounter during its execution. The result is a faster monitoring of SAS Event Stream Processing resources to help troubleshoot issues before they reach the potential to negatively affect the overall performance of the environment.


What's New

SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes now supports configuration of the Loki retention period, allowing logs to be deleted after a specified period of time.


Preparing to Deploy the Monitoring Components


Check Prerequisites

When SAS Event Stream Processing is deployed with the SAS Viya platform or when standalone SAS Event Stream Processing is deployed, you can deploy SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes.

SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes can be deployed from Unix platforms only and, to successfully follow this guide, the following must be installed on the local computer from which the deployment of monitoring components in the Kubernetes cluster will be initiated:

  • The kubectl command-line interface (CLI);
  • The Helm CLI.

Prepare Your Working Directory

Monitoring folder contains the scripts and files required to deploy SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes.

The following is the directory structure of the folder:

├── customizations
│   └── monitoring
│       ├── dashboards
│       │   └── ...
│       ├── grafana
│       │   └── ...
│       ├── loki
│       │   └── ...
│       ├── monitors
│       │   └── ...
│       ├── user.env
│       ├── user-values-prom-operator.yaml
│       ├── user-values-prom-operator-host-based.yaml.sample
│       └── user-values-prom-operator-path-based.yaml.sample
├── viya4-monitoring-kubernetes-x.x.xx
│   └── ...


  • The customizations/monitoring directory contains Loki and Promtail artifacts, sample Grafana dashboards for SAS Event Stream Processing, Kubernetes ingress definitions for the monitoring components, and the user.env file with custom deployment settings:
    • dashboards contains the sample Grafana dashboards.
    • grafana contains artifacts used to configure Grafana authentication and, optionally, deploy and configure the SAS Event Stream Processing Data Source Plug-in for Grafana.
    • loki stores the artifacts used to deploy Loki and Promtail.
    • monitors contains the service monitor definition for Loki and Promtail.
    • user.env provides the configuration for the deployment of the monitoring components. If necessary, review and modify the settings before deploying.
    • The user-values-prom-operator-*-based.yaml.sample files contain sample settings for host-based or path-based access to the monitoring components. Path-based access is used for cloud-based deployments.
      • When deploying, copy the appropriate sample file to the user-values-prom-operator.yaml file in the same directory and customize it according to your needs.
  • viya4-monitoring-kubernetes-x.x.xx is the directory created by extracting the binaries for SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes. This directory contains configuration files and scripts for both the monitoring and logging components of the SAS Viya platform.
    • NOTE: The content of this directory should never be modified, and is intended to be used as-is.

Review the Deployment Configuration

Before proceeding to the deployment step, the deployment configuration must be set to reflect your target environment.

  1. Navigate to the customization/monitoring directory created by the unpacking of the binaries.
  2. Replace or update the content of the user-values-prom-operator.yaml file depending on whether you need host-based or path-based ingresses for the monitoring components. The latter are normally used for cloud deployments.
  3. Review the content of the user.env file and customize it as needed. For an in-depth description of the options, see SAS Viya Monitoring for Kubernetes and comments provided in the file itself.
    • It is strongly recommended that you choose a strong password for the default Grafana admin user at this stage, which can be set using the GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD property. However, the default password can be changed later as described in the Access the Dashboards section.
    • The GRAFANA_AUTHENTICATION property allows you to choose LDAP or OAUTH as the authentication method.
    • For GRAFANA_AUTHENTICATION=OAUTH, the GRAFANA_AUTH_PROVIDER property allows you to choose viya (default), uaa, or - for SAS Event Stream Processing Standalone Installer deployments - keycloak as the identity provider to be configured for use by Grafana.
    • The KEYCLOAK_SUBPATH property allows you to set the path used to access Keycloak (default: /auth/).
    • The ESP_GRAFANA_PLUGIN_VERSION property allows for a specific version of the SAS Event Stream Processing Data Source Plug-in for Grafana to be automatically deployed. For example:
      # Version of the ESP Grafana plug-in (with OAUTH authentication only).
      # Check for updates
      The plug-in works only with OAUTH authentication, with the property being ignored for any other authentication method. For more information, see SAS Event Stream Processing Data Source Plug-in for Grafana.
    • The LOKI_ENABLED property must be set to True for SAS Event Stream Processing project logs to be monitored.
    • The LOKI_RETENTION_PERIOD property enables you to set the period of time logs are persisted in Loki until deletion. By default, the property is set to 24h (24 hours); setting the property to 0 disables retention.
    • The LOKI_LOGFMT property must be set according to the format used by Kubernetes to write logs. As of the writing of this document, the format is cri for Microsoft Azure, and docker for other providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS).
    • The MON_NODE_PLACEMENT_ENABLE property must be set to false for SAS Event Stream Processing Standalone Installer deployments.
  4. Depending on the method selected in the GRAFANA_AUTHENTICATION property there might be additional configuration required:
    • For GRAFANA_AUTHENTICATION=LDAP, review and customize the content of the files found in the configmaps and patches directories under customizations/grafana/authentication/LDAP.
    • For GRAFANA_AUTHENTICATION=OAUTH, no work is needed as the configuration files are created automatically.


Deploying the Monitoring Components

Deploy SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes

With the contents of the user-values-prom-operator.yaml and user.env files set, the working directory is ready to carry out the deployment process. Complete the following steps:

  1. Set and export the USER_DIR environment variable to the path of the customization directory as shown in the following example, where <target-directory> should be replaced by the path to the directory that you used in the Prepare Your Working Directory section:
    export USER_DIR=<target-directory>/Monitoring/customizations
  2. Navigate to the <target-directory>/viya4-monitoring-kubernetes-x.x.xx/monitoring/bin directory, and deploy SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes using the following command:

This results in the deployment of the following components to the target Kubernetes cluster:

Release Name Helm Chart Name Application Version
loki loki-6.24.0 3.3.2
promtail promtail-6.16.6 3.0.0
v4m-metrics v4m-1.2.7-SNAPSHOT 1.2.7-SNAPSHOT
v4m-prometheus-operator kube-prometheus-stack-41.7.3 0.60.1


Deploy the SAS Viya Monitoring for Kubernetes Dashboards

With SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes in place, you can optionally perform the following steps to deploy the SAS Viya Monitoring for Kubernetes dashboards.

  1. Set and export the VIYA_NS environment variable with the namespace of your deployment of the SAS Viya platform:
    export VIYA_NS=<viya-namespace>
  2. Navigate to the <target-directory>/viya4-monitoring-kubernetes-x.x.xx/monitoring/bin directory and deploy the dashboards using the following command:

For more information about the deployment of the monitoring layer of the SAS Viya platform as well as on the optional logging component for logs originating from applications other than SAS Event Stream Processing, see SAS Viya Monitoring for Kubernetes.


Deploy Custom Dashboards

The dashboards that are deployed with SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes are intended to provide an example of the kind of monitoring that can be achieved through Grafana. Since the dashboards are provisioned as part of the deployment, they cannot be modified directly in Grafana. It is therefore recommended to either change their source code, or to create copies to work on. They can be cloned and modified to create even more sophisticated dashboards to, for example, target different metrics or trigger alerts. The source code for the sample dashboards can be found in the $USER_DIR/monitoring/dashboards directory.

Whether you decide to modify the existing dashboard or create new ones in the same directory, they can be deployed into an existing environment using the following steps:

  1. Set and export the USER_DIR environment variable if not already set, where <target-directory> should again be replaced by the path to the directory used when in the Prepare Your Working Directory section:
    export USER_DIR=<target-directory>/Monitoring/customizations
  2. Navigate to the <target-directory>/viya4-monitoring-kubernetes-x.x.xx/monitoring/bin directory and deploy your custom dashboards using the following command:

Alternatively, dashboards can be created or cloned in Grafana, with no deployment needed once the dashboards are ready. Either way, it is recommended to consult the Grafana documentation for best practices on how to develop dashboards.


Using the Monitoring Components


Access the Dashboards

You can access Grafana by using the link displayed at the bottom of the deployment log. The password for the admin user can either be provided in the user.env file in the $USER_DIR directory (recommended), or set after deployment by running the script, located in the <target-directory>/viya4-monitoring-kubernetes-x.x.xx/monitoring/bin directory.

When you log in to Grafana, the dashboards are displayed:

Selecting the SAS ESP CPU, Memory, and Logs Usage dashboard shows something similar to this:

In addition to CPU and memory metrics, the dashboard shows log aggregation information, both summarily and at the individual project level. The cumulative numbers shown in the Message Totals by Level panel apply to all projects active within the chosen time interval, whereas the Current Projects panel gives access to log information only for currently active projects. Selecting log information displays a screen similar to the following:

On the SAS ESP CPU, Memory, and Logs Usage dashboard, the Current CPU Usage By Project panel on the left side of the screen offers the ability to drill down to the individual pod level to access additional metrics. For example:


Adding Grafana Alert Rules

Custom alert rules can be added to provide the ability to receive notifications when specific behavior happens though different channels, such as Microsoft Teams or custom webhooks. For more information, see Alert rules in Grafana documentation.

A list of existing ESP project alert rules can be found in the esp-project-alert-rules.yaml file.

To add alert rules from the provided ESP project alert rules:

  1. Navigate to the Alert rules section in Grafana:
  1. Click New Alert Rule.
  2. Using the provided ESP project alert rules, fill in the fields for the alert rule.

Here is an example for implementing the first alert rule, ESP Project CPU >80% Threshold. This alert rule will fire when an ESP project is using more than 80% of the requested CPU limit.

Note: It is important to set the Folder and Evaluation group field to esp-project-alert-rules and to set the Labels to type=esp-project so these rule alerts are displayed on the ESP Overview dashboard when the rule alerts are in a firing state. The alert rule template has been left blank for customizing. For more information, see Notification templating and Labels and annotations.

Contact points can be defined to specify where firing alert rules are routed to:

Notification policies can be added so that alert rules with a specific label are always routed to a specific contact point.



Uninstalling SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes is performed in the same way as for SAS Viya Monitoring for Kubernetes:

  1. Set and export the USER_DIR environment variable if not already set:
    export USER_DIR=<monitoring-root-directory>/Monitoring/customizations
  2. Navigate to the <target-directory>/viya4-monitoring-kubernetes-x.x.xx/monitoring/bin directory and use the following command to remove the previously-deployed monitoring components:

This removes all Kubernetes resources created during the deployment process from the target cluster.



For SAS Event Stream Processing Monitoring for Kubernetes to be deployed without errors, the entire list of prerequisites must be satisfied. Make sure to go through each one of them before attempting to deploy. When the requirements are in place, in the event that any of the deployment tasks fail, it is recommended to remove the software before attempting execution again.

To troubleshoot problems with the Kubernetes cluster, it is recommended that you use a tool such as Lens, or ask someone to help you do the same if you are not familiar with Kubernetes. Finally, always consult the documentation for SAS Viya Monitoring for Kubernetes before applying any configuration changes that could lead to deployment errors.



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This project uses the SAS License Agreement for Corrective Code or Additional Functionality. Please see the license file for additional detail.


Additional Resources


Learn how to setup the SAS ESP monitoring stack to query, visualize, alert on, and explore metrics for ESP projects.



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