Translations files for AlchemyCMS 6.0 and above.
For a Alchemy 5.3 compatible version use v2.3.1 or the 2.3-stable
Add this Gem to your Gemfile
and run the install generator
bundle add alchemy_i18n
bin/rails g alchemy_i18n:install
Pass the locales you want to generate files for with the --locales
Seperate multiple locales by space.
bin/rails g alchemy_i18n:install --locales=de it es
A ruby translation project managed on Locale that's open to all!
- Edit the translations directly on the AlchemyCMS/alchemy_i18n project on Locale.
- That's it!
- The maintainer will then pull translations from the Locale project and push to Github.
Happy translating!
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.