Drops the makefiles and unifies the dependency management and build process with grunt and bower.
Changes the repository structure. Source code is now kept under "src" and compiled/distributable code is kept in the "dist" folder.
- Default ink-grid maximum width increased to 1400px.
- Adds 2 breakpoints: "tiny" for screen widths below 320px and "extra-large" for screen widths over 1200px. The new breakpoints are disabled by default. To use them you'll need to edit src/less/grid.less and src/less/config/__grid.less and uncomment the code that creates the additional breakpoints.
- Adds breakpoint dependent spacing and column horizontal alignment classes i.e. small-top-space, small-push-center.
- Adds breakpoint dependent text alignment classes i.e. small-align-center.
- Adds breakpoint dependent gutters i.e. small-gutters.
- Adds "double" size variant for gutters and spacing class i.e. double-gutters.
- Typography Removes overzealous typographic vertical spacing rules.
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Improves CSS selector specificity to avoid class name collisions in several components.
- Several bug fixes.
- Adds UI Carousel component.
- Improves UI Sticky component.
- Improves UI DatePicker component.
- Improves UI Common.options() component. enables UI modules to receive options of several types including Numbers, Booleans and Selectors (this improves most other components)
- Renames Ink.UI.Aux to Ink.UI.Common.
- Global fixes and changes
- Core Event API change/addition. Integrated Bean ( https://github.com/fat/bean ) in the module. New methods on the API ( on, one, off, clone, fire ). Also created observeDelegated(element, eventName, selector, callback)
- Ink.Dom.Element.create() can now call Ink.Dom.Event functions for quick creation and placement of elements:
InkElement.create('div', { insertBottom: document.body });
- Ink.Dom.Element.wrap() and unwrap.
- Core Ajax
- Formvalidator v1
- Treeview
- SortableList
- Tagfield
- Table
- Modal
- Sticky
- Datepicker
- Promoted Ink.Autoload to an Ink module. It now has the Autoload.run() function for running Autoload on dynamically generated content.
- Core Bug fixes.