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Future Work

Sawyer Vaughan edited this page Apr 12, 2017 · 3 revisions

SantosGUI is a work in progress. Future work that is currently not planned to be implemented by the core team will be listed on this page. This is a great place to pick an area for you to contribute to.

Future Work

Turning Movement Counts

A useful feature would be the ability to count turning movements. There are a many possible implementations, including:

  • Check the entrance and exit of the object from the frame to find the turn
  • Check the initial and final velocity to deduce turning motion

Homography Improvement

The homography step is too difficult for users. There are many ways that this can be improved, but a good way to do this might be:

  1. Have the user rotate the aerial image until it's in the proper orientation.
  2. Show the user the top-left portion of the pictures and ask the user to click two points that are the same.
  3. Repeat until you have points all over the image.

Configuration Improvements

To make configuration easier, you could show videos side-by-side and ask the user to select preferred video until done.

Mask File

Our server can take a mask file that will determine a part of the video to ignore movement in. This will be useful in not tracking moving tree branches, or pedestrians on the sidewalk. We should build a portion of the GUI to allow users to choose parts of the video to ignore objects in.