Add new callbacks and fix null issues
Merge branch 'fix_one_directional_swipe_items' 6bc293a
Merge pull request #92 from sandstreamdev/all-contributors/add-derUli 5660993
Fix one directional swipe items animation a98affe
docs: update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] 630a53d
docs: update [skip ci] 4541c1f
Merge branch 'closes_issue_77' 3a28164
Fix code review issues 57d7eda
Fix code review issues 21809ba
Update docs and uncomment tests 029adac
Add documentation for new callbacks 4569d2f
Add callback tests and guess fixes for null pointers 5496b2f
Add optional flags for callbacks 3ddeb66
Add typescript typings and change progress callback name d8fd22d
Merge pull request #83 from sandstreamdev/all-contributors/add-przemyslawzalewski 7f77cbc
docs: update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] 672b949
docs: update [skip ci] d60e1d6
Merge pull request #81 from sandstreamdev/adjust_example_page_typography 72c8c0d
Merge pull request #82 from sandstreamdev/update_dependencies_23_01_2020 6b9254c
Remove semver ranges from dev dependencies to keep them consistent with others 3fa8c51
Remove no longer needed explicit git add command of lint-staged hooks bd024a5
Drop Node 8 support b96f862
Update package locks 8507599
Update dependencies 90245d4
Use more semantic header tag and provide fallback trigger texts 96f2ea9
Adjust header margins to make them not stick to the chrome 591454e
Give up and let stylelint take over formatting as the rules seems to be not be affected by disable rules 3e86c2e
Center footer text content despite flexbox centering aea62e6
Disable confused stylelint and prettier conflict 332e0f1
Set default increased line height 04882c6
Unify font-family style application 049f91e
Closes issue 77 4a4180a
Merge pull request #76 from sandstreamdev/greenkeeper/default/@sandstreamdev/react-swipeable-list-0.3.2 22e191d
chore(package): update lockfile examples/package-lock.json 3388581
fix(package): update @sandstreamdev/react-swipeable-list to version 0.3.2 57619c3
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