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Office hour notes: 2020.02.04

Captain Lyre Calliope edited this page Mar 2, 2020 · 1 revision


  • Ian Denhardt
  • Kenton
  • Lyre
  • Dan Kroll
  • Adam Bliss (last half)


  • New office hours schedule
  • Quick $$ update
  • build system changes?
    • ekam?
    • unbundling dependencies?
  • HN comments? (Jake)


Office hours through end of March are scheduled!

Ian has a new $100 monthly sponsor! +$80 x matching = $360 a month

Build system changes

Barrier to contributors. It's too complex. Can we break these down into specific problems and documenting them as issues?

Discussion on the nodejs capnproto implementation. Kinda hacky. Code hasn't aged well. Someone's working on a purely js/typescript implementation (who?, what's its' status?) Is this something we'd want to contribute time/resources to?

  • Get CI running again?
    • Adam will look into a GitHub action.


It'd be cool to begin incrementally migrating bits of the codebase to Typescript. We can start this when we've updated to Meteor 1.8.2.

Hacker News Comments

via kenton:

cloudflare provides analytics we went from ~200 unique visitors per hour up to ~6,000 while it was #1 on HN and ~2,000 requests per hour before to ~100,000 per hour while #1 on HN

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