A Ruby Gem for sending messages as strings across a local network. (UDP style no handshake or acknowledgements)
This was spawned after encountering limitations during a group project at Dev Bootcamp. We had to write a Connect Four clone and play over Twitter. With multiple groups hammering the Twitter API simultaneously we were eventually cut off from the API altogether. Not a single Connect Four game was completed =(.
- Markup with Rdoc
- Add messaging list functionality to send messages to multiple users
- Add a command to list all registered usernames & messaging lists
- Add exception handling to the router
- Add ability to turn console logging on or off for router
LocalMessageRouter => Maps usernames to ip addresses and a randomly generated port in order to route multiple simultaneous messages across a local network.
router = LocalMessageRouter.new(5000)
Start the router on port 5000
LocalMessageClient => Interacts with the LocalMessageRouter. Takes the server hostname/ip, listening port, and client username as arguments.
client = LocalMessageClient.new('localhost', 5000, 'sandbochs')
Registers username with the LocalMessageRouter.
Send a message, 'hello world' to the user, foobar. foobar's client.listen will return '@sandbochs hello world'
client.send_message("@foobar hello world")
Wait for a message from the server, returns a string